Chapter Fourteen: A Siren's Mate

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I run a brush through my long hair, getting rid of all the knots before I tie it up in my usual high ponytail. In the mirror above my bathroom sink, I can clearly see my black sleeved shirt and the top of my light blue ripped jeans that I'm currently wearing, in the mirror's reflection.

It's now been three weeks since my Rite, and three weeks since I met Nathaniel. And in those three weeks the electrical sensations that happen every time Nate and I touch, have increased drastically.

Every small touch we have now, I have to fight every cell in my body not to jump on Nathaniel, and kiss those full lips of his.  Every time it is getting harder and harder to ignore how badly I want to touch Nathaniel, to taste him, to run my fingers through his soft, messy black hair, to feel his large hands on me, to have those strong arms wrapped around me, anchoring me to his hard chest, and- Goddess I need a cold shower.

My blood is boils at the images racing through my mind, heat builds between my legs. I shake my head, trying to erase the dirty thoughts and images from my mind as I walk out of my bathroom and into my bedroom.

I walk over to my bedside table, grabbing the latest book that I'm reading, and I lounge back on my bed, trying to occupy my mind by reading it.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm still trying to read the same sentence but I'm just too restless and can't seem to focus. Groaning, I throw the book beside me on the bed, and I lie back, rubbing my face with my hands.

Suddenly I hear some noises coming from downstairs.

Pushing myself off the bed, I go and investigate, knowing that I won't be able to read anyway. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where I heard the noises were coming from. When I look through the archway into the kitchen, I'm a bit surprised by the sight of my father sitting at the kitchen bench, drinking coffee, while he reads through some paperwork that is spread out before him. He is still wearing his business attire minus the tie, his white wings with black tipped feathers are lazily hanging from his back.

"Hey dad, where's mum?" I greet him as I make my way into the kitchen, and I walk around the bench, leaning forward, my elbows resting on the marble counter top, facing my father.

"Huh?" He looks up from his papers, finally seeing that I am in front of him, "Oh, hey Lia. Oh, and your mother is at an important business meeting that she doesn't need me present for, so I thought I would come home and get some work done", he offhandedly informs me as he glances back down,  more focused on the assortment of papers in front of him. "There's some more coffee in the pot if you would like any", he points behind me at the almost empty coffee pot, not even bothering to look up from his work.

"Yeah, I definitly could use some caffeine", I mumble tiredly, my restless nights starting to catch up to me as I go over to the pot, and get to work making myself a cup of coffee.

Once I'm finally holding the warm mug in my hand, I lean back against the counter as I take a sip of the delicious coffee.

"Are you okay Callia?" My father suddenly asks, same sky blue eyes as mine, full of concern as he studies my face. He rest his arms on the bench, on top of his papers, giving me his undivided attention.

Oh, I'm just fine daddy, well you know besides the fact that I did not complete my Rite and yet, still ended up with the mark, I also have been secretly keeping a human on a nearby island, who evidently has seen my wings and now knows about the existence of supernatural creatures, and I fear I'm catching feelings for said human even though it is forbidden, but oh, I am doing just fine, thank you for asking.

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