Chapter Twenty: Fiery Blue Eyes

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I wiggle my toes on the soft, grassy bank besides the water edge. The sun rays light up the cascading water fall, making it appear golden as I watch it disappear into the crystal blue water below. The multi coloured water lilies, bob up and down on the water's moving surface.

Here, there are no loud obnoxious noises that there are in the city, only the relaxing sound of the waterfall, the rustling of leave in the soft breeze and the constant buzzing of various insects. There are no bright lights, only the fiery sun to light up the sight before me. It's, just so utterly peaceful.

No matter how many times I have stood here, with or without Callia, the beautiful scenery amazes me every single time.

The hair on the back of my neck stands up, alerting me that someone is watching.

And somehow I just know that it is her.

So I turn my head and instantly meet her blue gaze across the small clearing, and just like that a smile forms on my lips as I take her in.

The picturesque waterfall has nothing on her beauty, both inside and out, which has the power to take my breath away every single time I lay eyes on her.

Her pink heart-shaped lips stretch out into an unearthly smile that causes my heart to stutter in my chest like I'm an adolescent boy with a crush. My heart starts up once again, going into overdrive as she gracefully prowls towards me like she is a predator and I'm her prey. Her magnificent midnight black wings stand proudly behind her, her dark feathers getting ruffled by the soft breeze. My fingers ache to find out if her feathers are as soft as they appear to be.

She stops once she finally stands beside me, the top of her head only just parallel to my chest.

"Hey", she greets, craning her neck so she can still meet my gaze.

"Hey Doll", I greet back, unable to stop smiling, "How are you?"

"I'm good", she replies, her voice stays the same, but her smile seems to be a bit strained, and her bright blue eyes dim ever so slightly. And just like that I drop my smile, scrunching my brows, I search her eyes like I can find the answer to what is bothering her inside their beautiful, alluring depths. Noticing my searching gaze, she smiles more genuinely, and assures me, "I'm just a bit tired is all".

"You sure?" I push, facing her fully, I continue to search her eyes for anything amiss, but I find nothing, her eyes bright once again.

"Yes", she insisted, and before I could say anything more, she asks, "How are you?"

"I'm good. Great, now that your here", I state, which is the truth. Whenever she is near me it's like my whole entire world lights up.

She doesn't say anything to my statement, she just smiles shyly up at me, blushing. This causes me to smirk, that I could make such an ethereal creature blush, when I'm only an ordinary human.

"You working today?" I ask her, breaking the peaceful silence we had fallen under.

"Yeah, but not for another few hours", she confirms, watching the waterfall.

She doesn't seem particularly excited about training today like she usually does. She says she's fine, but I can tell there is something bothering her, she's trying to hide it but I can tell something is not quite right. I wonder if it's anything to do with her mum and dad, so I ask, "Are your parents still giving you their blessing?"

She nods her head, "Yeah they are. I can still see that they are worried sick about me, but they haven't tried to do anything to stop me".

I can't help but smirk at the idea of her parents ever thinking that they have the power to stop her, and I say just as much, "Like they would have been able to stop you".

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