Chapter Nine: The Mark

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When we finally get home after the Rite, I quickly excuse myself by telling my parents that I want to go have a shower and then go straight to bed because I'm absolutely exhausted. 

Which is true, but what I really want to do is see the mark that I somehow earned with my own eyes.

I carefully make my way up the stairs in my house. Struggling with every single step I take with my weak and trembling legs, my wings lagging behind me. Leaning the majority of my body weight on the wooden railing, supporting myself as I basically drag myself up, praying I don't tumble backwards down the stairs.

Mercifully, I finally reach the top of the staircase. My shoulders slump forward and I drag my feet as I shuffle my way into my room, shutting the door behind me. I heavily lean back against the door with closed eyes, I rub my face with my fingers before running them threw my knot filled hair. My muscles groan in protest as I push myself off of the door and stumble my way into the bathroom towards the mirror, ripping my already ruined dress off as I go.

In my hurry, I trip over my own feet, falling forwards. I only barely manage to catch the edge of the sink with both of my hands just before I would have painfully face planted into my tiled floor. I right myself, lifting my head, I look at my reflection, staring into my wide pale blue eyes.

Removing my hands away from the sink, I pull out my top draw, searching for my tiny hand held mirror so I can see the back of my neck for myself. My hands scramble through the draw until I finally grip the handle of the small black mirror.

I can't have earned my mark, I didn't kill him.

He didn't die.

There must be a mistake.

Pushing my hair aside, I hold the small mirror behind my neck, situating it so I can see the back of my neck through my mirror above the sink.

That's when I see it.

Right in the middle of my neck is a pair of outlined wings.

The Mark of the Siren.

It's not possible.

My other hand shakes as I reach back and touch the mark, unable to comprehend how it got there.

How did I earn my mark when I technically didn't complete my Rite of Passage?

I'm beyond confused, but at the moment I'm far to fatigued to figure it right now.

So instead I manage to shuffle into the shower, letting the water flow over my body and wings, sighing as it soothes my sore, exhausted muscles.

I watch with tired eyes as the grains of sand get washed off my body, disappearing down the shower drain. I put loads of shampoo and conditioner into my messy hair, trying to get rid of the many knots.

After I wash out my hair, I decide to hop out before I fall asleep while standing up like a horse. Resembling a zombie, I walk out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped loosely around my body, ignoring the urge to look at my mark again. I go into my closet, tiredly throwing on the first comfy clothes I see, before walking back out.

I look at the clock on my bedside table, drawing my limp wings inside my back, I groan as I fall backwards onto my extremely comfy bed.


Goddess I need sleep.

I close my eyes, hoping to drift off into a deep coma like sleep.

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