Chapter Twenty-Two: I Don't Believe You

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I back away from the fireplace, where the newly formed fire rages on, greedily eating the dry wood I had thrown in.

I fall back onto the old couch with a sigh, watching the fire burn, but of course my mind eventually strays, and I think about her.

About what had happened between us just a few hours ago.

How her soft, plump, heart-shaped lips were pressed against mine. How we moved in perfect harmony together. How the heat of the fire before me is nothing compared to the heat, the passion that had blazed between us.

I just couldn't get enough of her.

We would probably still be kissing, but Callia needed to go to work for a late training session, so she left a few hours ago, albeit reluctantly.

I also can't seem to get rid of the way she had gazed at me before she had left.

How she had smiled brightly with her lips swollen from my kisses, and yet it had seemed strained, not quite reaching her eyes. How her warm hand had caressed my cheek, my jaw, my lips as she had gazed at me intensely, her eyes seemingly taking in every single detail of my face like it would be the last time she ever saw it again.

It had all seemed so bittersweet, and I hadn't like it, but before I had gotten the chance to ask what was wrong, to talk to me, her lips had slammed against mine; and of course at that moment I had forgotten what I was going to say.

All I had known was her lips against mine, but that kiss had been different from the others. The many other kisses we had shared earlier today had been deep, hungry, earth shattering kisses, but not that one. The last kiss we had shared had been slow, sensual, loving; it was like she was committing to memory what my lips tasted like, savouring them, how every ridge, every dip, had felt against hers.

When she had slowly pulled away, and I had opened my eyes, her usual sky blue eyes were dark, swirling with so many emotions, I couldn't pin point one. Before I had the chance to say anything she had told me she would be back later tonight after training and with that, she had spun around on her heels, and with one giant beat of her glorious soft wings she was airborne, and disappeared into the sky; and had left me standing in front of the cottage, still reeling from that kiss.

And at that moment I had realised something as I had stared off into the sky. Whereas the others kisses between us had been earth shattering, that last kiss had shattered me.

It had shattered me in a way that the very thought of going home, going on with my life like she had never existed, to possibly meet someone else, had become utterly impossible.

I just couldn't see my future without her in it.

But I know it could never work, since we are both from such different worlds.

And that dreaded goodbye, that I know is coming soon, is going to hurt far more than I had originally thought.

God I'm so screwed, I now can't help but think as I close my eyes, rubbing my hand down my face, only to freeze when I hear the front door creak open, followed by soft footsteps.

My heart soars in my chest, thinking that my Doll has finally returned, only to stop in its tracks when some part of me just knows that that is not her standing behind me.

Slowly I drop my hands and open my eyes, I turn on my seat, and the first thing I see is one perfectly manicured, unscarred, sun kissed hand clutching the back of the couch, right beside my left shoulder; and I most definitely know that that isn't my Doll.

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