Chapter Seventeen: Make A Difference

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Earlier that day

I grip my phone tightly in my right hand as I stare at the screen. 

I reread the weather forecast again and again, hoping that it will change, that we will have more time. In less than one week, the storm will finally dissipate and I must do what I had originally promised, I must take him back to the Coast.

I put my phone on my bed side table before I give into the urge to throw it across the room and break it. I place my hand over my aching heart, pushing down, like I could relieve the pressure that has formed there. I take slow deep breaths through lungs that threaten to close.

Breathe in, and breathe out. In, and out.

I will enjoy the last few days I have with Nathaniel before I let him go, before I say good-bye to my mate. I know it will hurt like hell once he is gone, but I will survive it, he's worth every bit of agony I will feel.

With that in mind, I breathe a bit easier, even if it is still painful. I step into my closet, and grab a baggy black shirt with a picture of the galaxy on it, along with a pair of dark blue ankle high jeans. I quickly put a brush through my long locks before tying it up.

Taking one last deep breath, I head down the stairs and into the kitchen to make some coffee, my wings swaying side to side as I go. I pass the archway that leads into the dining room and pause. Turning my head, I see both of my parents in their suits sitting beside each other at our small wooden table, looking like they are ready for a business meeting, their wings tucked away inside their backs.

My mother, who I am almost a mirror image, stares at me and tries to give me a small comforting smile to help reassure me. It doesn't work.

I look to my father, who stares at me with the same sky blue eyes, that are utterly serious, his hands are placed on top a pile of paper work that sit neatly on the table.

"Take a seat Callia", my father gestures to the chair at the end of the table, opposite to them.

I look at my father, then at my mother and then at the chair before hesitantly stepping forward, and slowly sitting down in the chair that is specifically designed for our wings, all the while my parents watch my every move.

Once I'm seated in the chair, I look to my mother who has always been the voice of reason in this family, "Mum what's going on?"

"Everything is fine Callia, we are just going to have a little chat", she says soothingly.

"Ooookayyyy", I draw out the word, not convinced at all.

I move my attention to my father, and I realise that the paperwork under his hands is quite familiar.

I know exactly what this little chat is going to be about, and I know it will not end well.

Goddess help me.

"Callia, your mother and I think it is about time you come and work with us", my father announces. "Now we have the paper work here, I took the leisure of filling it all out, all you have to do is read some things and sign it, and it will be alre-", his mouth continues to move as he keeps talking about my future that he has all planned out for me, but I don't hear a word.

I continue to stare at my father as he talks about my life like I have no say in it at all. I love my father, I really do, but I can't be who he wants me to be.

So I say one little word that I know will start a major argument between us, "No".

My father instantly stops his rant about my future, and focuses those hard blue eyes on me, "Excuse me?" He hisses in a deadly, quiet voice.

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