Chapter Thirty-One: Together

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"As she lay her head upon His chest, His heart beat to a tune that soothed Her soul". ~ Louise Alexandra Erskine 


I stare at Nathaniel in complete and utter shock.

I was just watching Nathaniel talk to his mother on the phone, her cussing him out while he cringed. And I couldn't help but find it just a little bit amusing.

But then Nathaniel stopped talking and was just gazing at me, thinking.

He blinked when his mum asked if he was still there, bringing him back from wherever his mind had wondered. He had looked into my eyes, his grey ones shining, with a small, fond smile on his full lips.

Then he said those words to her.

'I met someone'.

And my heart seemed to stop.

"A girl?" I hear her exclaim through the phone, her excitement evident in her tone.

His eyes don't leave mine as he chuckles, "Yes mum, a girl".

This can't be happening. This can't be real.

"When did you meet her?" She pushes, needing more details.

"Just over a month ago. This is her phone", he tells her, and I just sit in my chair, not daring to move or to say a single word in-case this is all some glorious dream that I will abruptly wake up from.

"A month ago. Why didn't you tell me?" She exclaims, half-heartedly scolding him.

"It's a bit complicated, and there are still some things we need to figure out", he explains.

"Well, tell me about her. What's the lucky young lady's name?" She questions.

He shuffles the phone before he answers, "Callia, and she's amazing mum, you'll love her".

This is actually happening.

"Callia, what a beautiful name", she says, prompting Nathaniel to agree with her. "When can I meet her?"

He chuckles again at his mum's eagerness and also probably at the really stupid expression that I'm more than likely wearing on my face, "Soon mum, we just need to sort some things out, okay?"

"Of course. I'm so excited, just you wait until I tell your father", she replies, her obvious elation palpable through the phone. "I best let you get back to her and sort out whatever you need to sort out so I can meet her already, but don't you dare take so long to call me again Nathaniel", she warns.

Nathaniel visibly winces, "Sorry mum, I won't do it again, I promise. Love you".

"Love you too my boy, and you tell Callia I said hello".

He assures her he will before they say their goodbyes.

Ending the call, he places my phone on the bedside table before settling back against his pillows.

My eyes heat, the tears beginning to build up. My lips tremble as I take a deep shuddering breath, trying to calm my thundering heart.

He told his mother about me.

"You okay, Callia?" Nathaniel asks, watching me with concern.

With a sniff, I nod because I am way more than okay.

A small, wobbly smile stretches across my lips, "You're giving me a second chance?"

"I am", he confirms with a smile of his own, "A fresh start, and this time there will be no lies, right?"

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