Chapter Sixteen: My Fighter, My Doll

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I lean against the frame of the opened front door as I watch the rain fall from the grey clouds, the smell of rain and wet soil, heavy in the cool air. Here and there, I can hear thunder rumble from the nearby storm that still blocks my way back to the coast.

It's almost been a month since I woke up beside my Doll on the beach.

My Doll.

I shake my head against the thought. She is not my Doll, I tell myself, she is not mine for I do not own her, but yet I know that the little fighter does owns me.

She's had me since those azure eyes fell onto me, they were and are still so vibrant. She's had me since her beautiful name came out of her lush, heart-shaped lips. She's had me since the first time I saw her smile, watched how it had changed her already beautiful face into something absolutely stunning, the sun can't compare to how brightly she shines when she does. She's pulled me in with every bit of herself she has given to me about her past, her dreams.

She's had me because there is just something about her. It's. Just. Her.

And I didn't know how badly she had me wrapped around her little scarred fingers, until another one of her kind had shown up.

When the creature had advanced on me, his multi-coloured wings out, and had demanded me to tell him why I was there. All I could think about at the time was Callia.

How she would get in trouble. I don't know what type of punishment her kind does, but the thought of her locked in a cage or in any sort of pain, was unbearable. So I had lied to him, even though I just knew he could easily kill me, I still lied. For her.

'You lied for me, why?' Her words, full of so much unveiled vulnerability, replay in my mind on repeat. The way she had look at me, her electric blue eyes had begged me to say something, to admit something.

And I eventually did, 'Maybe because I care, Doll. I care about what happens to you'. But the thing is, there is no maybes. I do care about her.

I more than care about her actually, and that horrifies me; because I know I must leave soon, and I probably will never see her again.

Never get to see the way her sky blue eyes shine in the sunlight, brighter and more beautiful than any gem stone. Never get to feel how soft her luscious, long brown hair is as it falls through my fingers. Never get to hear her sweet laugh, more enthralling then any symphony. Never get to feel how soft her porcelain skin is under my hands, how her very touch warms me from the inside out.

But oddly what hurts my heart the most are the things I will miss out on, the things I will never get the chance to do, to experience with her.

How I'll miss the chance to feel how truly soft her ebony coloured wings are, that have been practically begging me to touch them from the moment I had laid eyes on them. How I'll miss the chance to see her kick ass and take names by doing the thing she loves most, by teaching others, and looking bad ass while doing it. How I will miss the chance to know what those pink lips of her feel like on mine, to feel the spark I know we have between us.

But most of all I will miss the chance to find out what it is like to wake up beside her every morning, to see how content she looks while she sleeps, to see what she looks like with bed head, to know if she snores, to know if she is a cuddlier; to watch as she opens those sleepy azure eyes of hers and looks at me, to watch as her lips stretch into a lazy grin, her eyes shining with happiness.

How I will just. Miss. Her. All of her, even the parts I don't yet know, and may never get the chance to know.

The cold breeze from the rain shifts, blowing against me, ruffling my shirt and making me shiver. I shake the depressing thoughts from my head, and ignore my heart full of sorrow as I get my feet under me and stand up, and close the door. I make my way over to the brick fireplace, and get to work making a fire to chase away the chill in the air that the rain has caused.

Once the fire is going, I sit on the floor directly in front of the firebox, hoping to absorb its heat.

As I stare into the crackling fire, watching the flames dance, my mind wonders back to Callia like it always does.

And I have come to the conclusion that I will enjoy our last few days together, that I will make every second count in her presence.

For I will look back at the memories of us together fondly, even though I know I will feel regret as well, that we couldn't have been more.

Sighing, I lean back against the coffee table and watch the flames move, mind utterly, thankfully, blank for once.

After God knows how long I sat there, staring, not daring to think about anything, about her. When the front door is suddenly thrown open, the wood hitting the wall with a loud bang, causing me to jump.

I quickly scramble up onto my feet, and watch as Callia trudges inside, completely drenched from head to toe, her head bowed. She just stands there, her chest heaving with shallow breaths, body shaking from the cold, from crying, or from contained anger, I do not know.

Slowly I walk up to her, until I stand about a foot in front of her, but yet she still stares at the floor, her clothes, hair and wings dripping water, creating a small puddle around her feet.

"Callia", I whisper her name.

Finally she moves. As quick as lighting she grips onto my shirt, pulling me forward, and crashes against my chest. She wraps her arms tightly around me like her life depended on it. I stand there frozen, until I hear her take a shuddering breath, and her body shakes with a silent sob as she clutches onto me, her head still bowed as she rests her forehead onto my chest.

I snap into action, not caring at all about wetting my clothes further, I wrap my left arm around her back, under her wings, and if possible I pull her tighter against me. My right hand goes to the back of her head, holding her, anchoring her to me. Kissing the top of her damp head, I start to sway side to side, and make soothing sounds, trying to calm her down, even as the cold rain water seeps into my clothes, soaking me as well.

My heart hurts to see her this way. To see someone so strong and so beautiful, breakdown. To see my fighter, my Doll, cry. I feel so helpless, and all I can do is hold her against me, show her that I am here for her.

If only I could stay, so I could always be there for her, whenever she needs me.


Sorry that this chapter was a bit short, but I promise the next one will be way bigger.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote :)

See ya later mates!!!

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