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"And I can't stop

No I can't stop

So baby pull me closer,"

"Excited?" Josh asked me as we queued up to buy some popcorn and drinks. He place his hands on my shoulders shaking me slightly

"No I'm absolutely bricking it" I said,

"It's okay if you get scared I can laugh at you" He said

"The beginning of that sentence was so promising like you weren't and absolute dick" I said making him laughed

"What do you want?" He asked me,

"I'm not that hungry, that pizza filled me up" I said, at the restaurant we got a small pizza each.

"Okay do you like popcorn?" He asked

"Umm. of course" I said

"What flavor?" He asked

"Sweet and Salty mixed" I replied

"Good answer" He smiled

"If you're doing that I'm gonna get a Pick N Mix" I said walking out of the queue. I looked at all the sweets and grabbed a £2.99 container and started to fill it. I did it quickly so I could get back to Josh in time so we could pay for it all together instead of having to queue again.

"I'm back" I said standing next to him, putting my sweets on the counter top so the man serving us could put it in the till.

"Any drinks?" The man asked,

"Dr Pepper?" Josh asked me, I nodded

"2 large Dr Pepper's please" Josh told the man who rung it all up on the till

"£12.40" He said, the cinema prices are always too much, Josh paid for everything and we left to find our screen.

"This is it isn't it?" He asked as we stopped outside of screen 9, I checked the receipt and nodded. I opened the door for him as he was holding his drink and the large bucket of popcorn.

"VIP?" I whispered to him surprised, as we started to walk down one of the empty VIP rows.

"Yes, they have the best position and they're comfier" He said as we sat down. I sat cross legged in the big seat while sat normally with his feet on the floor. I put my drink in the holder text to me and my Pick N Mix in the one between me and Josh.

"Hey!" I whispered as Josh took one of my sour worms from the Pick N Mix. He held both his hand up and pretended to look scared

"Mine!" I said like a toddler, he smiled before taking another. I gave him a screw face, before sticking my hand in the popcorn and grabbing some, thinking it would get us even. He shrugged making me remember it was for both of us. We sat there watching through the 5 minutes of advertisements before the film came on. Throughout the ads I was mentally preparing myself to not shit myself during this film.

"Ready?" Josh whispered to me, I shook my head, he chuckled at my nerves. Suddenly there was a boom throughout the cinema as something appeared on screen, honestly I was so scared my head turned so quickly and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god you big baby" Josh said shaking his head as he smiled. I glared at him but stopped when he put his arm around me. It felt nice, soon my head was resting on his shoulder. If Callum could see us he would probably sit between us because he is a huge cock block. I screamed and buried my face in Josh's chest as Pennywise came on screen. The arm that was around my shoulder was now holding me as I was practically laying on him.

"You're okay, it's gone" He whispered to me, I peeked out of his shirt looking up at him. He looked back at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes, and I could feel it coming when he leant down and kissed me. And when he did it felt like everything just kinda stopped. It wasn't like the other 2 times we've kissed, this one was so passionate yet soft and sweet. Sadly, we were broken apart by screams, we both turned to the screen to see the balloon had popped spraying blood all over the girl. I was comfortable when I was and as the was no one next to me I stretched my legs out a bit and laid with my head resting on Josh's shoulder and his arm holding me. We continued to watch the film, he still took some of my Pick N Mix but I didn't mind as I kept snacking on the popcorn. After getting scared a few more times, the film was over. I was scared out of my mind about sleeping tonight.

"Enjoy it?" Josh asked as we walked out of the cinema onto the high-street,

"Almost as much as I will enjoy sleeping tonight" I said sarcastically

"It wasn't that scary Alex" Josh said

"I have a traumatized as a child watching that" I faked being upset,

"Aww you cry baby" He said putting his arm around my waist as we walked. I was still getting butterflies at his touch, come on Alexandra grow up.

"It's nearly 9" I said after checking my phone

"It's still early" he said expecting it to be later,

"You could come over to mine and we can chill?" He asked. I thought about it, should I go? What if something happens, I'm not like that and I don't want him to think I'm like that,

"I'm not inviting you over to sleep with you if that what you're thinking" Josh chuckled basically answering my questions.

"I just wanna chill with you and it's getting cold so I thought you'd rather be inside than out here" He added on, he was right it was starting to get a bit cold

"Okay but will I be embarrassed, bombarded with questions, will either one of the Callum's be there?" I asked

"No, yes, I don't know" He answered

"The four of us live there but the other guys come over sometimes unannounced." He said

"Urg, just know if Callum is there, it will most likely end in an argument I will win" I said as we walked over to Josh's car

"Which one are you talking about?" He asked taking his hand off me opening my door,

"Both" I replied     


Song of the Chapter: Closer by The Chainsmokers 

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now