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"Your eyes are the size of the moon

You could 'cause you can so you do

We're feeling so good"

I was still at Josh's me and him were sat on a small sofa in the front room with everyone else playing trivial pursuit on the Xbox. We had split into 4 teams, 3 teams on 2 and one of 3. It was me and Josh vs JJ and Simon vs Cal and Tobi vs Ethan, Harry and Vik. Right now me and Josh were winning closely followed by Cal and Tobi,

"Close Call Blitz" The voice cam out of the speakers

"I'm gonna let you do this one because I can't think fast" I said to Josh giving him the controller. As we played through the round, the room was so noisy but Josh was right these guys were a lot of fun. I heard shouting from Simon and JJ because JJ decided to forfeit the point and pick the mobile phone as one of the oldest inventions.

"I'm sorry bro, I though the mobile phone was older than electricity" JJ said

"HOW CAN A PHONE WORK WITHOUT ELECTRICITY FIRST YOU SPENG!" Simon shouted, I started laughing at him

"Oh yeah, honest mistake" JJ shrugged. We continued the game which consisted of Simon shouting at JJ and Vikk losing his mind at some of Harry and Ethan's answers.

"1st Place" Mine and Josh's platform rose,

"We won!" Josh cheered as did I

"2nd Place" JJ and Simon's rose to 2nd

"Brap Brap!" Simon made gun fingers

"3rd Place" Cal and Tobi came in 3rd

"I blame Tob for that" Cal said

"Hey!" Tobi said in defense

"Last Place" Vik hung his head in shame while Ethan and Harry laughed high fiving. Ethan had the most amazing laugh, it boomed through the room making everyone else laugh.

"That was fun lads" I said feeling more comfortable with the boys so I spoke a bit more,

"Very fun but we need to get going" Ethan said

"Yeah, we'll see you guys soon" Tobi said

"It was nice meeting you guys" I said to them as I followed them to the door as Harry wanted to talk to me

"The pleasure was all mine Alexandra" Cal said to me,

"Not you," I said going around him to the other boys. They were sweet the all gave me hugs as they left Cal tried to but I hit his arms away.

"Just when I thought we were going to be friends; you do this" He said

"Well I'm glad I've ruined the chances of an amazing friendship with you" I said and he walked out of the door, I turned to Harry.

"Has Josh asked you out?" Harry asked me

"Oh Harry go home I thought it was important" I said shaking my head and laughing. Harry gave me a hug and turned to leave. I closed the door and turned around to walk back into the front room but bashed into Josh who was standing behind me.

"How long have you been there?" I smiled at him

"About 3 seconds" He said. I kept smiling at him, I couldn't help it he made me smile.

"D'you wanna go upstairs?" He asked, I nodded and he lead me up to his room. His room was huge, I guess he saw me admiring it because he said,

"IF you're amazed by this you should know I have the smallest room in the house" I turned to him

"You guys live in a bloody mansion I swear" I said going over to him, I saw a desk with 3 computer screens on it. I went and sat in the chair in front of it,

"Is this where you record your videos?" I swayed from side to side in the chair as I spoke

"Yes this is where I make them" He said

"Hey guys it Josh, today we're gonna play a cheeky game of fifa" I said pretending to be him although I still haven't watched one of his videos.

"You've never seen one of my videos have you" He asked and I shook my head

"I was meant to but Zoe Mae distracted me and I never got round to it" I said

"I would show you some but I feel awkward watching my videos with someone else, you will see me get all embarrassed" He chuckled.

"Then I won't put you through that" I said walking over and falling backwards onto his bed

"Are you having fun there?" He laughed

"Yes your room is very nice" I said propping myself up

"Come let's watch TV" he said walking over to me and jumping on his bed making me laugh. We both sat on his bed as we did in the cinema, he had his arm around me while I curled up next to him.

"What do you want to watch" He handed me the remote, of course I flicked over to Comedy Central to find a friend's episode playing.

"It's the wedding" I clapped my hands practically squealing

"It's not that exciting" He said

"What do you mean so much happens, Monica and Chandler get married and we find out that Rachel is pregnant and it's funny because Ross has to dance with all the kids" I told him

"Okay but it's still not the best episode" He said

"Really then what is?" I looked up at Josh wanting to hear his answer,

"When they go to London, is a good one" He said

"That's stretched over like 3 episodes" I said

"So is the wedding" He was right so I didn't say anything, I just turned back to the TV. Josh chuckled and kissed the top of my head, my stomach was doing flips and my heart was beating so fast. 


Chilling in the bed yeaaaaah ;) sorry I'll leave😂

Song of the Chapter: Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco 

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now