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"Alexandra!" Joshua called after her, the pain in his voice evident as rain and tears soaked his face

"But you were my Rachel"

His word disappeared into thin air

Alexandra McGinley was no longer his.

He watched her walk away wishing he could run after her and hold her in his arms

He wished he could kiss her and she would kiss him back

He wished he would wake up, that this was just a sick dream

But this was life.

Everything fades with time

Joshua and Alexandra

Their names shortened to simply

Josh and Alex

And they soon faded to nothing.

Joshua went home and cried in his room

He had locked himself in

No one could get to him when he locked himself away

And that's how he liked it

Alexandra went home and cried in her room

She had locked herself in

No one could get to her when she locked herself away

And that's how she liked it

We are our own best company

No one has you like you have yourself

You can never break your own trust

You can never let yourself down

You can always count on yourself to pick you up when your down

But when you can't

You are truly broken...


Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora