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"Wake up we need to go" Zoe said shaking me to get ready for work.

"Working is so long man I swear" I said sitting up and walking into the bathroom to shower.

"Yes but Working equals money and think it could be worse" She said handing me a towel as she walked into her room to get ready. She's right it could be worse. I got out of the shower and sat in front of my mirror to do my makeup. I really couldn't be bothered today so I just did my eyebrows and some mascara. I Dutch braided my hair, it was tight but I loosened some parts so It looked big and cute. I grabbed a black polo shirt and some black skinny jeans.

"Zoe come on, hurry up" I called out to her as I buttered some toast.

"I'm here, I'm here." She said walking through with her jacket and bag on her arm and her hairbrush in the other. Her light pastel pink hair was sitting just below her shoulders, she started to brush it through but it wasn't working today.

"Let me do it" I set my toast aside and handed her a slice as I went to do her hair. I brushed it through and French braided the top half as it led into a bun. You could see her roots a little bit, but it wasn't that bad because she was blonde and it wasn't too noticeable.

"Thank you" She said her mouth full of toast

"You dirty fucker" I laughed as she accidentally spat some crumbs on me. I finished my toast and we locked the door and walked the 20-minute walk to work. I was hoping Josh didn't come in today because I looked shit, I had no makeup and I was so tired

"Morning" I said to Harry and Callum who were already sitting in there eating a sandwich.

"Hey guys" Callum said

"Why you here so early?" Zoe said walking behind the counter

"We were gonna go film videos" Callum said

"Oh you do this Youtube thing as well don't you" I said to him, I didn't watch his videos mainly because I didn't know he did it until Josh said, he showed me one of his videos and it was pretty funny.

"Yes well done Alexandra" Callum said taking a bite of his sandwich. I proceeded to serve the people that had come in and help Zoe make drinks,

"We'll be back later all of us and that means Cal too" Callum told me as I cleared his rubbish

"Looking forward to it" I pulled a fake smile

"Aww, you guys should try to get along" Harry said putting his coat on

"No thank you" I said and they both gave me a hug and shouted goodbye to Zoe.


"Back so soon" I said as Callum walked through the door with the group following behind, just boys this time.

"The rain, we'll be here until it stops" He said

"Just try to keep the noise down" I said

"Try to" Callum pulled out a fiver and ordered a drink and a cake.

"I'll probably be finishing my shift before this rain" I said as I handed him his change

"Then you and Zoe can come with us if you want, we'll probably be getting Nando's or Wagamama's after" He said putting his change away

"Sounds great" I said as he walked away and I went to serve the rest of the boys

"Name?" I asked

"Joshua" He replied

"£2.45, per usual" I said as he tapped his card

"You're boring you know you always get the same thing" I said

"I stick to what I know" He smiled as I walked over to the kitchen to get the mop bucket. My shift will be ending soon so I needed to clean up so I could leave on time. I started mopping the floor around the boys and Cal being the dick he is stuck his dirty feet on the part I had already cleaned

"Seriously?" I asked

"Sorry" He pretended

"Oh a please try to look more upset" I said as I went over the spot

"Sorry should I start talking about you know what" Callum said to me luckily none of the other boys were listening. I just sighed and walked away continuing to mop. I left the bucket in the kitchen to be emptied by the people who work in the back. I took my apron and hat off and left them underneath the counter as Zoe had already cleaned my section for me and made me and her a drink.

"The boys are gonna chill for while and Callum asked if we wanted to stay and go out for food with them after" I told her and she took her apron off

"Sure" She smiled    



Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now