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"Simon get down here please fast" I said on my phone

"I'm at Wood Green police station" I told him

"Listen just hurry up please,"

"Zoe's still at work, they took me in to ask me questions, Josh got in a fight" I was shaking.

"Just hurry and get down here as fast as you can, I need to call Zoe" I said and hung up the call to ring Zoe

Z- Hey, are you okay" She was obviously panicking as well

A-Yes I'm fine, but they had to take me down to ask questions

Z-Oh my god Lex, Is Josh okay?

A-I don't know I not with him, their holding him in a cell and I'm in the waiting area

Z-Okay well I've got 10 minutes left until I finish my shift I'm coming straight down there

A-I've rung Simon and he's on his way

Z-Just breathe, try to stay calm and tell them what happened, I'll be down there as soon as I can

A-Okay, love you Zo

Z-Love you too

I ended the call and I sat there my leg shaking up and down and I was biting my nails from the nerves, I just hop Josh is okay.

"Ma'am if you could follow me" An officer came over to me, I got up and following him. He led me towards a room and held the door open for me,

"I have learnt that you are the girlfriend of one of these men" He said holding his hand out at a chair for me to sit down,

"Yes I am" I said trying to be calm, taking deep breaths

"Don't worry Miss, we just want to ask you some questions to get more of an idea as to how this came about" He said probably noticing my nerves, I nodded

"So if you could start by stating your full name, age and date of birth" he said as he pressed a button on this machine I'm guessing to record it.

"Alexandra McGinley, 25, March 11 1992" I said clearly

"Okay Miss McGinley, would you like to tell us how the situation came about?" The officer asked me

"I work at Starbucks and this man came in asking for my number while he ordered a drink, after I said no he refused to pay. I asked him to leave if he would pay, he again refused so I told him if he kept holding up the line I would call the police to remove him. That's when my boyfriend, Josh, who was sitting at a table came over and politely asked him to leave as did my friend who works with me. The guy made a scene saying, I was ugly and cursing before leaving. My Boyfriend followed him out and as the guy turned around Josh punched him. That's when I ran out to stop them but I was pushed out of the way by this man and they carried on to punch each other until the officers came over" I said

"Okay so just to make sure I've got this right, the man, Michael refused to leave then when he did he was cursing and making a fuss about it, your boyfriend, Joshua then followed Michael out and proceeded to punch him. At this point you ran outside and were pushed out of the way by Michael and they continued to fight until broken apart by police" He said

"Yes" I replied

"Okay, Miss McGinley that's all we have to ask" The officer said and got up to walk me out.

"Alex, you alright" Simon said when he saw me return to the waiting area. I ran up and gave him a hug.

"Listen Josh will be fine, trust me" He said as we pulled apart, he must've seen the few tears roll down my cheeks as he bent down to wipe them.

"Yeah, but Josh threw the first punch, what if they charge him with something?" I said

"Josh is smart, he'll work his way out of it" Simon said and we sat down. We chit chatted but I was too nervous.

"Alexandra, Oh my God" Zoe said as she came in and gave me a hug

"Is Josh okay?" She asked after we let go and she took the seat next to me,

"I don't know they didn't let me talk to him" I told her,

"Oh okay, well we can just wait and see then, but how about you babe how are you holding up?" She asked

"I'm scared for him" I said biting my nails again

"Don't be" Josh said walking over. I turned around and ran over to hug him,

"Don't ever do that to me again you dick" I said hitting his arm

"Sorry, he was a prick I had to" Josh said, I wiped under my eyes

"What happened then?" Simon asked

"I've been given a fine but they said if it happens again I will be charged or something" Josh replied

"Nice one, you got him" Zoe laughed

"Aww no that's probably gonna be there for Christmas" I said looking at Josh's face a black eye was starting to show and he had some small cuts and scratches on his face, nothing too major thank God.

"Makes me look tough" He laughed

"Makes you look like an idiot" I said as we left.    

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now