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"I'm so lucky, I have the most beautiful girlfriend" Josh said as we walked through the busy London streets.

"And I'm so lucky that I have the most handsome boyfriend" I replied. Cheesy I know, but you know what I like the cheesy stuff.

"What shop shall we go in now?" Josh asked, I also loved it when he spoke very formally made him so attractive and gentlemanly.

"Let's go into Harrods" I tugged his hand into the huge store

"I think I might start shopping for Christmas presents" I said picking up a beautiful photo frame

"It's not even December yet" He said as he spun me around to face him

"I know, but I just love Christmas and I like to be prepared" I swept my hair behind my back

"You're cute" He smiled letting me go but still holding my hand

"Oh my god! Josh!" A group of young boys came up to us, well Josh.

"Can we take a picture with you?" They asked him as they surrounded him

"Sure" He smiled, He took some selfies and they asked me to take a picture of them together.

"Are you his girlfriend?" One of them asked me, I looked at Josh and smiled

"Yes I am" I replied the boys fist bumped Josh, said thank you and left

"Your fans are sweet" I said once they were gone, he just chuckled and gave me a smile

"Look at these" I said going over to a pile of teddies

"They're Teddies?" Josh said not understanding

"This one looks like you" I said picking up a Dad like bear

"No it really doesn't" He said confused and laughed.

"We should go build a bear and I'll make a dad teddy" I laughed, he looked at me before laughing again.

"This looks like you" He said picking up a teddy with a dress

"It was funny when I did it" I said taking the teddy I picked

"Please don't tell me you're actually gonna buy that" Josh said following me

"Yeah, I'll buy it some accessories and Dad it out" I giggled

"Will that joke ever die" He said

"When you're not the oldest" I said taking it to the check out on this floor

"You're older than me" He whispered

"I know, but I'm not a Dad" I said putting the Teddy on the lady's counter to scan

"Okay Mum" He said and the lady looked up, probably believing him.

"He's joking I'm not his mum" I laughed awkwardly and hit Josh's arm as we walked out of the store after paying.

"I'm hungry" Josh moaned

"Where do you want to eat then?" I asked

"Ooo, let's go Wagamama's" He said pulling me into the restaurant.


"I don't know what to get her" I was walking quickly around the shop scanning everything. I need to get Zoe Mae a birthday present.

"I was hoping you'd help me find her something" Josh said to me

"You can give her a shit present I'm the best friend she's expecting big things from me" I said

"Whoa Alex just chill" Josh grabbed my arms and stopped me

"What did you get her last year?" He asked

"Um... I got her Red Bottom Heels and a pretty expensive purse and little bits and bobs" I said cracking my knuckles which is a bad habit but I do it when stressed or nervous.

"Okay then get her a dress or some jewelry" He said

"Like that, that's really nice and it's been reduced" He said pointing to the shop across from us with a Burberry coat in the window.

"If you don't like that then lets just look in therebecause it looks like they have loads of nice stuff" He said holding out hishand, I took his hand and followed him. Somehow he managed to calm me down andI was no longer in a panic, well done Joshua Bradley. Well done    

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now