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"WAKE UP IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" I ran in Zoe Mae's room and jumped on top of her.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP" I said rocking her which got me a pillow to the face.

"Come on Zoe it's your birthday, I made your favorite" I said

"I don't wanna get older" She shouted through the pillow on her face

"Well these pancakes are getting colder, so get up before I eat them all" I said getting off her and walking towards the door

"And who could forget Alexandra McGinley's infamous birthday gifts" I said walking out the door. As soon as I said that I heard Zoe get up.

"I knew that would get you up" I laughed serving her pancakes, I laid out Nutella, Reece's Chocolate Peanut Butter spread, lemons, sugar, honey, maple syrup and some butter. Quite the spread I know.

"We've got the party tomorrow" I said as I handed her some cutlery

"I know; I'm excited for presents" She said grabbing the Reece's

"Aw thank you Alex for the party you've planned and all the time and effort you dedicated to making it great and not to mention this great breakfast." I said grabbing butter and maple syrup,

"My birthday, I can do as I please. I'm turning 25" She said

"I'm still older" I laughed

"Are all the guys coming over later?" She asked stuffing her face with pancakes barley getting the words out

"Yes they are, we'll probably get Pizza and I will make sure we have a lot of drink" I said

"Cal?" She asked

"Yes I told Josh to tell him" I said eating some of my food

"Okay, well remember we can kick him out it's our house if he gets annoying" She smiled

"When isn't he?" I asked and we laughed


"I'M FINISHED PRESENT TIME!" She ran over to the sofa, I walked into my room and got the 4 gifts

"Okay open the small one last" I said setting them in front of her. She immediately ripped into the biggest one.

"Aww, I love it" She said taking a look at the coat that me and Josh picked out

"This must have cost so much money, Lex. I don't know if I can keep it" She said

"No, I know you want to keep it you did this last year with the shoes" I laughed seeing right through her act

"And Josh actually pointed that out whilst I was freaking out about what to buy" I smiled and she gave me a hug setting the box aside

"I really do love it" She told me as she let go

"Open the next one" I said pushing it towards her. She unwrapped it leaving the paper on the sofa and took the lid off of the box

"No WAY!" She said picking up the doll things.

"It's me and you" She said excitedly. I had gotten custom dolls made to look like me and Zoe Mae and they did a really good job since she got it straight away and they were huge like the size of a child.

"Read the note" I said, she picked up the note from the box.

"To a Special Best Friend, every girl needs someone like you in their lives. You pick me up when I'm down and push me out of my comfort zones. As much as we bicker I would never want someone else to be my best friend." The note read, I saw Zoe Mae tearing up,

"Don't cry babe" I said pulling her in for a hug

"It's my birthday and I'll cry if I wanna cry" She said, when we let go I wiped her tears.

"Open the other one" I smiled as she slowly ripped the paper this time, FRAGILE the box said in bold letters. She opened it to find 2 mugs 'You're the Monica to my Rachel' and 'You're the Rachel to my Monica' each read

"Omg these are so cute" She said

"Well you're my Rachel, so here" She handed me one

"I knew I'd get this one" I laughed

"Right this one" I handed it to her,

"The last present" She said, I tried not to smile as she doesn't know what I have planned.

"No" She whispered in awe, she unwrapped the present to find a ring and necklace set

"You- I – Lex this is so beautiful" She managed to get the words out, it was the Beauty and the Beast rose gold set. A necklace with a rose hanging and it was beautiful and a bracelet with a rose charm.

"Come here" I said to put the necklace on her, she took her hair to the side. I closed the clasp as it was around her neck and she put the bracelet on.

"It looks so good I have such great taste" I said applauding myself

"Thank you so much Lex, love you babe" She said givingme a massive hug, I kissed her on the cheek.    

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now