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"Callum!" I shouted over the music he had just turned up, the bass was pounding, I could barely hear his laughs. He was driving us home to see our parents,

"So do mum and dad know about Josh?" He engaged in conversation once he turned the music back down

"No they do not, I didn't get round to saying" I said

"You gonna tell them?" He asked as he took a left turn and we headed towards the motorway

"Yes, because if I don't you probably will" I said and he smiled

"Yeah probably" He sped up

"So what happened with you and Cal the other night, you seemed pretty pissed" He said changing the subject of the conversation,

"He told me why he dislikes me" I shrugged

"Oh did he, what is it?" He asked

"Apparently he had a crush and he saw me get with some guy at one of Zoe's party's a few years ago" I replied

"Seriously?" He asked kinda shocked, I nodded

"I could never imagine Cal having a thing for you, seems like you two make better enemies than friends" He smiled

"What d'you mean by that?" I asked

"It's entertaining to see you to annoy each other and poke comments than to see you sitting together being... nice I guess" He said as he slowed down, we had been caught in Traffic

"Fuuuuck" I longed out taking a look at all the traffic, looks like we would be here for ages.

"Imma vlog because I'm bored" Callum said grabbing his camera from the backseat

"Don't get me in it" I said

"Why you have already been exposed as my Twin on Josh's channel so may as well" He shrugged turning it on

"Yo guys, I'm driving home and we're stuck in traffic. So I thought why not vlog, I am here with Alexandra and as many of you may now know I have a twin sister. And to answer your question I am older" He said

"No you're not, I'm older by 7 minutes" I said

"Okay I lied, but I'm cooler" He said

"That's another lie" I laughed and he rolled his eyes

"What can we do while we're stuck?" He asked

"Let's play would you rather" I suggested

"Umm alright ask me first" He said

"Okay would you rather, Kill Harry or Kill Cal" I asked

"You can't just start with that" He said loudly as he laughed

"Answer!" I said

"Cal" He said and I held out my hand for a high five

"I love you Cal but there can only be one" He looked into the camera

"Would you rather breakup with Josh or never see Zoe again" Callum asked

"You're trying to start beef here I swear" I pointed at him,

"Sorry Josh but Sisters before Misters" I shrugged trying to look innocent

"Rah, Josh I'm sorry Bro" Callum said making me laugh


"Guess whose home!" I shouted through the house as I stepped inside Callum following after me

"Alexandra! Callum!" Our mother said as she scurried out of the kitchen to come and welcome us home

"Hi Mum" I smiled as she embraced me and then my brother

"Hey guys" Our Stepdad Tom came over

"Hey Tom" I said giving him a hug as did Callum

"I've missed you guys" Our mum said when we were all done with Hellos

"These are for you" I said grabbing a bouquet of sunflowers that were leaning against my bag on the floor,

"I mean I would've preferred Tulips but I guess thesewill do" Tom joked making us laugh    


in two days i've got another HUNDRED VIEWS so I wanna say thank you all so much for reading, Leave and feedback or just a comment in general I love reading comments on my books but yeah 


Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now