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"I have to go see my mum again in another few months" I said as Josh was editing, I was laying on his bed eating a bag of pop corn looking at the ceiling

"Maybe I should come with you?" Josh suggested

"I did tell her next time I'd bring you" I shoved more popcorn in my mouth

"Don't worry, Sarah and Callum will be coming as well so you won't be the only outsider" I told him

"Yeah but is Sarah really an outsider, her and Callum have been dating for 4 years" Josh replied

"Oh yeah, well deal with it" I giggled

"You look tired" I said to Josh

"I am" he replied

"Then take a break have a nap" I suggested

"I have to get these videos done" He said

"I know but you shouldn't be pushing yourself this much, just lay down for an hour or something, please" I didn't want him becoming more sleep deprived than he already is, he's so dedicated to YouTube. It was good to see him act so passionately about his job, but he's too involved, sometimes he just needs to take a break.

"I'll be done editing in 30 minutes max okay, then I will chill with you" He said

"It's not about chilling with me I just don't want to see you losing all this sleep, it's not healthy Josh" I sat up

"Sorry babe, what did you say?" He said a few moments later it's just like my words had gotten lost in the air

"Your reactions are becoming slower, a sign that you are not getting enough sleep" I said

"Just drop it Lex, I will take a break when I finish this" He replied

"Sorry for caring about your wellbeing" I said laying back down on the bed

"I get it Lex, I'm really glad that you care but this is my job not just a hobby I can't just stop" He said

"You can because it's a job you have full control over, no one is standing there telling you to do this right now" I said

"My fans are, some of them only care about videos and lose their shit when I don't upload" He reasoned

"Okay a few kids didn't get to watch one 10-minute video today, big deal. It's not healthy Josh, how many hours have you slept this past week?" I asked sitting back up, Josh didn't say anything

"I wouldn't be wrong in saying less than 15 hours by the looks of it" I sighed getting a bit annoyed

"Well, I could sleep longer but I get up every morning near enough to come visit you at work" He said

"You can't blame it on me I didn't make you sign a contract when you asked me out that said 'I will visit Alex at work every morning'" I said

"If you want me to finish editing and sleep so badly this argument isn't helping" He said his voice sounded annoyed like mine

"You know what, if I'm just a big distraction I'll leave" I said

"Fine" Josh said as I stormed out of the room. I slammed Josh's door which echoed around the big house and stormed down stairs, barging a poor little Vik out of the way. I don't have a car and I was too pissed off to get a cab and sit there for 30 minutes. I walked pretty hastily home, trying to let all my anger out on the way home I mean I had time because it was a 45minute walk. Cars drove by as I walked down the main road, I was annoyed of seeing people pass me by so I started taking the back roads and alleyways.

"Hey pretty lady" someone said as I passed a few men in the alleyway, I carried on walking luckily no one followed me. I threw my hood up and put my earphones in, the long walk felt like 10 minutes because I was so angry I felt my speed match. I walked into my apartment building and walked passed the lifts going to the stairs, I still had loads of anger to get out and I figure exercise works for me. I got to my door and fumbled with my keys, Zoe and Simon were on the sofa watching a movie,

"Hey Lex" Simon said, I ignored both of them and went into my room and slammed my door closed. I kicked my shoes off and threw my jacket on my chair and sat on my bed with my head between my knees trying to calm myself

"What?" I replied to the knocks on my door

"Can I come in babe" It was Zoe

"No, I don't wanna talk" I said, I was angry at Josh not Zoe or Simon

"What happened, was it Josh?" She asked calmly from the other side of the door, I stayed quiet

"You can come in" I said

"What did he do?" She sat on the bed next to me

"We had an argument because I don't think he's getting enough sleep and then he told me I was a basically a distraction so I stormed out" I said shifted to sitting cross legged and put one of my pillows in front of me

"Oh don't worry about it, me and Simon have had that argument before and I'm guessing all the boys have with their girlfriends. It's bound to come up with the job they do, they lose sleep and we care about them so we tell them" She rubbed my back to comfort me

"I know he just really pissed me off, he let me leave and everything so I walked all this way home" I told her

"Maybe you needed to get out and clear yourthoughts for a bit, just try not to think about it too much okay because I knowhow you get and I don't want to find you crying into a tub of Ben and Jerry'sat 1 in the morning" She chuckled making me smile     


Likkle beef there between Alex and Josh. Felt like another double upload because I have been revising today and all I can say is FUCK MATHS. Hope you guys enjoyed reading <3 <3 <3

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now