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Somehow none of the boys saw her make her way over, maybe they though it was just someone going to get another drink.

"Hey girls what are we all looking- Oh god" Katherine said as she walked over to the group. Simon and all the boys turned around, none of us could tell what was going on,

"I wanna go over," Trinity said

"We can't all go over she'll think something's up" Sarah said,

"Well it clearly is we just don't know what" Nicola Jane said

"I have an idea how about one of us goes over, calls one of the others and they just put it on speaker" I said

"Smart, go over" Isabella said

"Me?" I replied

"Yes now go, we're gonna miss it" Zoe said pushing me forward

"Okay Call me now then Zo" I said as I answered her call and made my way over.

"Mute yourselves just incase they hear" I said quietly into my phone before I reached the boys. I went over to Josh and gave him a kiss so I didn't seem as if I just came to listen.

"Can I get a vodka coke please" I said to the bartender, to make my act believable.

I stood with my phone in my hand luckily Josh was standing next to Simon so I think I got pretty clear audio for the girls.

"I've missed you baby" Ella said,

"Well that's sad for you then isn't it because while you were out sleeping with someone else I was missing you" Simon replied, the bartender handed me my drink which I sipped at through a straw whilst listening to their conversation as were the boys

"You know I love you, I was stupid. I was angry at you for being on the computer all day and not spending time with me" Ella looked up at him with clearly fake sadness, this girl is just faking everything

"Well might want to give him a ring because yet again I don't want to spend time with you" Simon took a gulp of his beer

"It's silly isn't it, if I didn't sit at that computer then you wouldn't date me because I wouldn't have the same money" Simon said

"You know I would never" She started

"Oh no you would, and you did. See I'm a lot happier without you and I'm with someone who cares about me and not my money" Simon continued

"But baby, you know you'll never be with anyone as good as me" Ella bat her eyes

"You're right, I found better" Simon replied

"Listen you'll regret not taking me back, this whore is probably only interested in your money same as any other girl you date, no one could love someone that sits inside all fucking day and plays games like a geek" She said her façade turned to spite,

"I bet your new girl isn't even as pretty as me, she wouldn't want anything to do with you unless you were rich or she's fat and ugly" Ella said again,

"Hey babe" Simon said, I didn't even notice Zoe walk over,

"Hey who are you talking to?" Zoe said doing the fake thing like Ella

"Oh are you the stripper they ordered, I thought they were just joking about that?" As Zoe said that everyone's eyes widened and jaws dropped, I looked over at the girls and they were all the same,

"Excuse me?" Ella said her eyes narrowed in shock and anger

"I mean I though you boys would get one that didn't look so tacky" Zoe said looking at the boys and back to Ella, everyone was still in shock


"Come on, I though strippers got loads of money could you not buy something nicer than that?" Zoe said

"You don't even know what you're getting into" Ella stepped closer

"Try me" Zoe said

"I don't know who you think you are, I'll rip your fucking hair out you whore" Ella said taking a step closer to Zoe again,

"Oopsie" Zoe poured my drink over Ella, leaving everyone in shock again. Ella jumped for Zoe but Zoe smoothly slid out of the way and Ella fell flat on her face,

"Bye bye now" Zoe smiled at Ella as she got up and hastily walked off.

"You. Are. A. Savage" Ethan said and laughed

"You just came out of no where and shut her down" Vik said and the rest of the girls came over

"Who knew you had it in you" Simon kissed her, I looked at my phone and saw the girls had ended the call and handed Zoe her phone.

"That was sick" Katherine high fived Zoe

"You got her good" Nicola said

"How did you guys hear all that?" JJ asked as Chardonnay walked over and he placed a hand around her waist

"We were on a call" Trinity said, which made the boys turn to me

"You gotta admit, it was pretty smart" I said making them laugh,

"Now that's over can we enjoy my birthday?" Harry said

"And mine?" Katherine chimed in

"Yes let's do this" Zoe said. We all made our way tothe dance floor and danced the night away having fun with each other and Idon't think anyone went home alone tonight     



Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now