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"Stay over" Josh was whining

"What about Zoe Mae I can't let her go home drunk by herself, that would be mean" I said

"Oh I don't think she's planning on going home" Josh said nodding his head in the direction behind me. I turned and saw Zoe Mae curled up asleep on a sleeping Simon who was holding on to her, they looked cute asleep in the armchair.

"Aww! They're so cute" I said quietly jumping up and down trying not to wake them, Josh took my hand and pulled me closer,

"If she's staying then you can stay" He said in a hushed voice, I though it was so sexy how assertive he was being.

"Okay" I said giving him a peck and leading him upstairs.

"Where's Zoe?" Harry asked when he saw me and Josh going up.

"Her and Simon are asleep on the sofa downstairs" I told him

"Seriously?" He asked, I nodded

"I knew they'd get with each other" I high-fived him

"So did I" I said before me and Josh went into Josh's bedroom

"Come lets chill" I said dragging him onto his bed and grabbing the TV control

"I think we should watch another horror movie" Josh said

"Why do like making me get scared?" I moaned

"Because I like horrors and I like it when you get scared and cuddle up to me I think it's cute" He said, making me smile embarrassed at how scared I get.

"How about paranormal activity?" I suggested

"That one doesn't scare me that much" I said,

"Where do you guys keep the boxes again? Is it okay if I grab some clothes?" I asked him,

"I'll come get the clothes with you" He said,

"Okay" I said and we both left the room and went downstairs again,

"Can I have that Dr Pepper top you were talking about?" I asked

"If I can find one, if not you can have the one I have in my room" He searched through boxes

"No, I don't wanna steal your clothes" I said

"No it's fine I have more than one" He pulled out a pair of black shorts and we headed back upstairs so he could give me his top. After he gave it to me I went to the bathroom to get changed

"Oh god what is that, I'm gonna have nightmares" Cal said, as I opened the door. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom

"Oh it's just you Alex" He smirked

"And to think I actually felt really bad about kicking you, weird I don't anymore" I said to him, he pulled up his top to reveal a big bruise on his shoulder and chest,

"Was that actually me?" I asked in shock

"Yes. It was but if you've started feeling bad don't because I bet I can make you mad again" He let his top fall back down

"I bet you could but I don't have time for this" I said starting to walk away

"Just remember we don't want loads of little Josh's running around in the near future" He shouted to me

"Just remember little Cal's would be better than all those STD's you have" I shouted back and could hear JJ going crazy in his room.

"Jesus, you and Cal are a handful" Josh said as I walked in

"At least we have you Dad to keep us from fighting" I said setting my clothes down and laying on the bed next to him. Josh played the film and we sat there, I was in his arms and I wasn't getting scared much.

"You're right this one doesn't scare you that much" Josh said halfway through the film

"I told you" I said looking up at him. Suddenly he connects our lips softly, I didn't realize how long we'd been making out for until one of the boys walking in, bringing me back to reality.

"Of course you're in here Alex" Callum said

"What do you want?" I chuckled

"I came to find where you were hoping I wouldn't find you in here" He said looking at the ceiling then the floor,

"Bro she's not naked, we're both fully clothed you can look at us" Josh chuckled too

"Yeah I'd prefer not think about that" Callum said,

"You know what I'm just gonna go" Callum walked out

"Where were we?" I asked trying to be flirtatious, I'mguessing it worked because Josh proceeded to kiss me. We sat there kissing forwhat felt like forever and there was no where I'd rather be than in his arms.    



Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now