Chapter 29

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This was the last part of the councils which is good.

"For the final section of the councils the following men and women are the guardian side of the dhampir council. Head Royal Guardian Alberta Petrova, Alberta was the head guardian at St. Vladimir's until just recently, Yuri Maslov who is also a guardian at St. Vlad's, Celeste Williams also a guardian at St. Vlad's, Guardian Emil Cisco another guardian from St. Vlad's, Guardian Mikhail Tanner who is a court guardian, and finally head court guardian Guardian Hans Croft. Those are the members of our councils and as I said before they are all approachable. So if you have any worries, concerns or ideas, about anything that could help our people. Please bring them to someone on one of the council's attention. Thank you all please resume your previous positions."

Once they had all gotten back to where they were supposed to be I once again began to speak. This time with determination to have myself heard and understood.

"Ladies and gentlemen moroi and dhampir alike hear me and hear me well. We are all that are left of a once great and mighty nation. And form this day forth we will pull together and act as such!" The room burst into applause holding up my hand I asked for silence.

"The human world is in constant turmoil, chaos and continuous war." We will not I repeat we will not be like them. Our civilization is as old as theirs but we will not descend into the same chaos as they have. We will do the exact opposite; we will once again become the great nation that we used to be. From this day forth we become a united nation once again!!" Everyone in the meeting hall stood and applauded so loud the window panes shook.

"No longer will we be a nation divided by race, money, titles, snobbery or cruelty. The initiative of allowing moroi to fight and help protect themselves and the ones that they love. Will help bring us closer together as a nation. If you do not want to fight as you have already been told you do not have to. But for the brave souls that undertake this quest then I salute you. We will find a way for you to use your magic whatever specialty that may be to help protect yourself and those that you care about. Mason Ashford, is opening a self-defense school for both the moroi and the dhampir that live here at court. With the help of Eddie Castile, Lord Christian Ozera, Mia Rinaldi and my sister in law, Victoria Belikova. Those of you that wish when the school opens please feel free to sign up for classes. Any and all guardians that wish to lend a hand in the training in your spare time please contact Mason. I am sure that he will appreciate any and all the help that he can get."

A chant broke out, "Queen Rose! Queen Rose!! Queen Rose!!!" That continued for about five minutes until I once again raised my hand asking for silence.

"Every moroi that wishes before the school opens. Training will begin in both magic defense and offence as well as physical endurance, offence and defense. In one of the gyms here at court be sure to check the bulletin boards and court website for times and places. If there are any academy students that wish to learn there will also be classes set up at each academy. They will be outside of regular class times so as not to interfere with regular classes. Once you are trained if you pass the tests that are set forth for you. Then and only then will you be allowed to fight alongside your guardians. If someone does not pass the tests the first time they may continue to train until they do. No one will be denied the opportunity to fight and protect if they chose to do so. Going back to the old ways in this will save lives both moroi and dhampir. It will also help to make us strong again. The strigoi will be afraid of us again just as they should have always been!!!!" Again the applause and cheers shook the building all the way to its very foundation.

"All dhampir are allowed to love and be with whoever they wish as long as the feelings are returned. The same goes for the moroi but only as long as the feelings are returned. And both parties are over the age of sixteen. Anyone, attempting to force, compel or manipulate someone's else's emotions will be sent to Tarasov for five years. If it happens again it will be for life. I will not tolerate the moroi taking advantage of the dhampir any longer. And let me assure those of you that don't already know this. Just because a dhampir decides not to become a guardian that does not make them any less a part of our society. It also does not mean that they are, I hate this word, blood whores. If that is what you think of non-guardian dhampirs or female dhampirs at all. Then I can and will show you the difference. All of my life I was called a blood whore simply because the moroi thought I was a dhampir and later in my life because I refused to sleep with them. Although I wasn't  those words didn't hurt me any the less and things like that will not be tolerated anymore!!"

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