•Part 3•

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February 10th 1967

She was astounded at first to find that nothing was to be seen. After all this time of knowing he was near but never choosing to see him, he wasn't there. Just when she felt defeated and was about to shut the blind once again, she noticed a figure at eye level. He sat on the very window sill where he used to call her from the other side. With a pen in his left hand, he focused on what seemed to be his song writing book in his lap.

Amelia froze. Her body felt stiff and numb. He looked incredibly different. Paul had more hair, both on his head and face, and a few lines here and there that were visible from her window. Even though she was quite a distance apart from him she could tell he had changed physically. It was amusing to see visually what half a year could do to a person. Then a thought popped into her mind. Did she appear different? Did everyone around feel she had changed or were just used to her gradual transformation?

After day dreaming and gazing at the body that was still captivated with whatever he was writing, Paul finally moved.

He flicked up and looked straight towards her as his face fell white with shock. She forced herself to not open her mouth when their eyes connected and they held their stare for quite some time. Neither of them wanted to let go of each other and it was as if they were trapped. They had both frozen in time, just looking at the things they had dreamt about for so long. Amelia felt all the memories flood back to her along with every emotion she felt and Paul did accordingly. She could not decide whether to move or to stay or anything in fact. It took all the courage he had contained deep inside of him to make the first step. Her telephone woke from the desk that she was once used almost three times a day in order to contact Paul. A question flew across her mind.

If he still had here number, why didn't he call her?

She hesitatingly stretched her arm, making sure to not take her eyes off of his, and picked up the device.

"Hello Lia," He sighed slight raspy and smiled.

She took a deep breath letting herself into him, "Hello Paul" and she smiled back a little.

There was a long pause as they both thought of what to say next.

"I see you've finally decided to open the blind again" he stated.

"Indeed" she replied shortly.

Another awkward pause rose from the surface.

"It's been a while" she finally said first.

"It has," he sighed once more "too long in fact".

Amelia's smile left her smooth face as she felt a sudden sadness rise up to her throat. A lump lodged there but she was determined not to give in.

"What have you been writing this time?" She asked remembering the pen that was lingering in his hand but really she wanted to change the subject.

"Just some words" he said finally looking back at his work and then up at her again.

"Lia," He said after a moment of quiet "I've really missed...".

"Paul I'm so sorry but I've really got to go, my assistant needs me" she said frantically as the panic was starting to engulf her entirely and placed the phone down.

She pulled the blind shut as quickly as she could before sitting back down in her chair. Her breathing was fast but took control as she reassured herself. Perhaps it was escalating too quickly? Maybe Amelia couldn't cope with emotions that he gave her? But one thing was for certain,

She was falling back in love with him.

Amelia knew the consequences that were going to come along which caused her to divert and abort the mission. She couldn't let herself do this again, it would ruin her completely. She was content with her life at the moment, at least that's what she believed.

Her mind raced with possibilities that could have occurred if she'd stayed to listen to what Paul had to say.

second question... ~ Paul McCartney (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now