•Part 15•

551 15 3

May 30th 1967

"And then we just... kissed each other!" She breathed out.

Sheila's mouth fell open at the story, "the album was that good?".

Amelia shrugged, "I assume so. It is pretty remarkable I must say. Have you heard it?".

"Not yet," she replied handing over Amelia's pasty. "I don't think it's been on the radio at all".

"That's because it isn't mainstream enough. The radio stations aren't ready to embrace the diversity and uniqueness that they have crafted" She said smiling.

"You really are back together, aren't you" She giggled.

"I guess so. We never separated really" Amelia smirked.

"Well thank you for informing me on your eventful assignment. Mr Miles is one crafty man" Shelia laughed wiping the counter.

"He is indeed," she said opening the door "I'm not complaining though" winking as she waltzed out of the door.

Amelia continued her walk towards the tube station, taking in the spring that hung in the air before being submerged in the underground musk. She passed many people and occasionally one or two would smile at her. Now that she had made an appearance in the public eye, people recognised her and her written work became increasingly successful. She was proud of what she had achieved and planned to continue her passion for music journalism.

Eventually, she made it back to her office. Amelia placed her belongings in their rightful place and picked up her name engraved pen.

"With a profound title alone, the Beatles' new creation "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band" simply shows how they've progressed over their hiatus. As soon as their final tour ended, new material was being crafted and placed together from new experiences and cultures. The album for-tells a unique narrative, including elements of Western sounds and Psychedelia. I had the pleasure of attending the press conference on May the 26th and hearing the record for myself" .

Amelia continued to write throughout lunch time and into the late afternoon until the article was perfected and fit for the magazine. She called up Debbie to her office to give her the film so that her photographs could be published.

Once her piece was completely composed, she prepared herself for leaving the office. As she stepped out the front door,  Amelia realised that she didn't need to go back to her parents. She only had to travel across the road, making a large smile appear on her soft face. She made it to the apartment without her key - Brian had kindly retuned it back to Paul after the incident. But she knew Paul was still a silly, naive young man. Moving one of many plant pots, that had definitely been neglected since her departure, she found the spare key. 

The smell was just the same. The carpet, the walls the stairs were all completely as she had left them. Though the kitchen was a little cluttered.  Amelia quickly sprung into action and lived up to the female domestic stereotype by washing up all the dirty pots and pans. She wiped down every surface and even cleaned the oven - which was a horrendous task.  The things you do for love.  The kitchen was eventually returned to its show-room state when she decided to have a bath. She filled the tub to the brim with bubbles and put on a smooth Sinatra record that was playing from the bedroom.

When her relaxation session drew to a close, she realised a slight fault in her plan of slipping back into Paul's life. She had no clothes with her. Quickly wrapping herself in one of his silk dressing gowns, Amelia rummaged around for anything that might be even remotely appropriate for her to wear the next day. It seemed as though there was little hope but then she came across a complete, pristine outfit. A matching blue and green tartan skirt and blazer hung beautifully inside Paul's wardrobe. Though the outfit was her style, she couldn't help but think that she had never set her eyes on these items before and wondered why they were in Paul's house. She carefully took them out of the wardrobe and laid them on the bed.

She laughed to herself, "The tag is still on the label".

Amelia was compelled to turn the tag over and suddenly discovered a neatly written message on the back. She reached for her glasses and read the note.

"For my darling Lia, I love you with all my heart. Thank you ever so much for accompanying me and the boys on the American tour. I saw this one day and thought you'd look incredible in it - not that you never look incredible for that matter.  All my love, Paulie x"

She held the tag for some time.
Although the accident occurred a while ago, it still seemed to return every so often to haunt her.  Thinking about Paul's kind words, she smiled despite feeling guilty. Amelia untied the tag from the hanger and placed it onto the dressing table for her to keep. She hung the set up on the door to wear to work the next day.

A few hours passed when she chose to call her parents.

"Hello... Paul?" Amelia's father answered sounding rather confused.

"Hi Father, it's me Amelia" she smiled.

"Oh hello dear, I wasn't expecting your voice on this line" he said slightly apprehensive.

"Honestly, neither was I. I have decided to move back into Paul's apartment if that's okay with you, we've worked things out" she informed him.

"Well that is marvellous Amelia, I trust that you've made the correct decision" he chuckled.

"I'm sure I have Father, I have learnt from the best" she laughed back. "I do need to ask you something though".

"And what is that?" Her Father responded.

"Now that I have moved in here, I have noticed that I won't have to time to come collect my clothes and things from home..."

"So you'd like me to bring them up to you tomorrow?" He finished for her.

"Ideally, yes." She said waiting for his reply.

"Of course my dear. It would be lovely to come visit you" he said making her heart warm.

"Oh thank you, Father! You're too kind to me" she laughed "How is everyone back home?".

He sighed "Lisa is okay to be perfectly honest. David however still hasn't moved out".

She laughed again "Oh dear, perhaps I should have a talk with him. Could he join you tomorrow?"

"I'm sure he would like to, I'm just not so sure about what you could do though. He seems very reluctant to leave" he said.

Amelia felt for her father, she knew her Mother wouldn't be helping with the situation too.

"Well, I guess we'll see tomorrow. I should probably go to sleep now" she concluded.

"Yes you're right. Have a good nights sleep darling" he said.

"You too. Give my love to everyone" she said.

"I will. Good night" her father finished.

"Good night" she returned.

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