•Part 31•

301 12 4

November 19th 1967

"Well you must come visit soon, it has been a while hasn't it?" Amelia said cheerily down the phone.

"Yes I suppose it has. I need to see the ring!" Lisa said insistently.

"Don't worry, you will!" She said laughing a little.

"How has the planning for the wedding been?" Her sister asked.

"It has been alright. We've already found a beautiful venue in the countryside that we should be visiting in the next couple of days," she informed her "Oh, and I may have already been browsing for your bridesmaid dress".

Lisa gasped, "You have?".

"Of course I have! The dresses are the most exciting part!" Amelia told her.

"Perhaps next time you visit will be your first fitting" She continued,

"I can not wait!" Lisa replied bubbling with joy, "You do realise you will have to check with mother first, right?"

Amelia feared this, "Yes, I know. But I'm sure I can persuade her".

Lisa was not convinced, "Well, we'll find out if that will work I suppose".

Amelia's eyes flicked to the clock on her office wall, "I'm terribly sorry to cut our conversation short, but I only have an hour left to finish my work this evening".

"You should take a break, Amelia!" Lisa protested.

Amelia laughed at her comment, "You say that as if I despise what I do, I love my job!".

Lisa rolled her eyes over the phone, "Whatever you say. I'll leave you to it then".

"Thank you Lisa, have a good evening" she said.

"You too, see you soon" she replied excitedly and their conversation ended.

The hour had passed and Amelia was just collecting her things when suddenly there was a knock at the door. She called for them to enter and soon followed in a rather flushed looking Tracey.

"Oh, hello Tracey. Is everything ok?" she asked.

"I know you're just about to leave, but I just wanted to show you my final draft" Tracey said, slightly out of breath.

Amelia was surprised, "Of course. I'll take it home with me and we can review it together tomorrow morning".

She smiled, "Thank you ever so much, have a nice evening".

"You too, Tracey" she replied and soon her office was empty once again.

Weaving through the streets of London, she made it back to Paul's place. She unlocked the door and entered the living room where he was sat writing in his usual notebook.

"Are you writing, dear?" she asked as she gave him a light kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty inspired at the moment" He replied smiling up at her from where she was standing.

Amelia took a seat next to him, "even though Magical Mystery Tour hasn't been released yet?".

Paul sighed, "I just take any chance I can get at the moment".

He turned to her and she placed her head gently on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head lovingly and then took his attention back to his pen and paper. Amelia's curiosity rose in her and she took a quick glance at what he was crafting. She read the verses and scribbles that he had penned and thought of how it would flow together. He went over and changed some words every so often.

second question... ~ Paul McCartney (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now