•Part 7•

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May 24th 1967

Exactly two months rolled past and before she knew it, she was moving on from the wise words of her grandmother. April always seemed to drag on immensely in Amelia's point of view, and the endless waiting was not helping. She had hoped for days that he would contact her in some way, she even plugged her telephone back in but still no sign of him. She even plucked up the courage to leave the blind open but still he never came.

Maybe he had given up also?

Little did she know that Paul was beyond hopeless. He couldn't bring himself to look out of the window to see nothing so he drove his passion back into the music. Paul and the boys knew that this upcoming album was going to cement their place in history and it hadn't even been released yet. In his eyes, it was his favourite album that he'd made so far. Even though he believed that each album had its own special something, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band was different.

Perhaps it was a combination of his split with Amelia? Or maybe it was just the fact the Beatles had quit touring altogether to focus on the new sounds they could create?

Either way Paul couldn't wait for the public hear it including Amelia. He believed that this would lure her back to his heart. Because it was unique, and she appreciated unique things and viewed them as sacred. She would never let anything so precious just pass her in a blink of an eye, she would become engrossed in it. Paul hoped to make her change her perception of him and help her to realise he wasn't so bad after all.

As Amelia was writing rather vigorously on the page, causing it to curl up at the edges, her telephone rang. Finally, it had risen. It had been so long since it had made any sound at all. A sense of joy and excitement filled her wondering if it was him. Maybe this time they could work things out? Perhaps her Grandmother had been right all along, was this the right time? Her dainty fingers wrapped around the receiver bringing closer to her ear.

"Good afternoon" she said confidently down the line not thinking for a moment that it could be someone else.

"Hello, is this Miss Jordan?" Asked a familiar male voice, but not as familiar as she'd hoped.  Nevertheless, it brought her a sense of happiness.

"Is that Mr Miles I hear?" She asked surprised.

He chuckled on his words, "indeed it is, how have you been Amelia?" then asked.

"I've been wonderful thank you," although it wasn't strictly true "what about yourself?".

"Oh I'm still hanging in there back at The London Post" He said cheerily "which reminds me, I have a little assignment for you".

Intrigued she changed her position making sure she took in all the information, "Ooh I'm very excited. Actually, I remember you telling me before I left that you could still give me assignments as partnership with Rave.

"You are correct Miss Jordan. Now, unfortunately I cannot reveal what exactly you will be doing but I have an address and time for you. The assignment will take place on the 26th meaning you only have a short time to prepare" He informed her and left a dramatic pause "I want you to fly to Los Angeles tomorrow evening".

All the blood sank to her feet and she could hardly contain herself. America for a project?

But soon this was overcome with the feeling of dread.

The last time she was in the United States Of America was because of an assignment, and it was on the Beatles' final tour. She couldn't deny that the accident had given her trauma and never really wanted to attend another large concert ever again, but she knew she had to pluck up courage from somewhere. Mr Miles always brought good things so she trusted him.

"That's absolutely incredible Mr Miles!" She exclaimed.

"Indeed. I'll post you the address and time. Now for dress code," he cleared his throat, "sophisticated but also real. I don't want you to seem false but I do want you to be impressive".

She chuckled slightly, "sounds perfect to me Sir".

"Right I'll leave you to it, the flight is booked and already payed for. The address for your accommodation will be sent with the address for the venue. You're only staying for three days so pack lightly!" He said.

"I will Sir. This is incredibly exciting, is this confidential?" She asked.

"Not entirely. But the actual event its self is, which is why I'm not telling you" He said "have a lovely afternoon Amelia".

"And you too Mr Miles, goodbye now" She politely said and placed the receiver down.

Good job she'd just finished her latest article otherwise she may have not had time to prepare. Amelia couldn't contain herself and had to jump up and down in her office. Soon enough, Debbie popped her petite head around the door.

"Is everything okay Miss Jordan?" She asked half concerned, half amused.

"Indeed Debbie, I've never been better. Mr Miles just phoned and said that he wants me to go to Los Angeles!" She exclaimed.

"Wow! That's unbelievable! But what on earth for?" She asked just as shocked as her.

"Well apparently it's confidential" she said slumping back into her chair "but I'm leaving tomorrow evening" when she said it out loud it seemed even more ridiculous.

"Mr Miles certainly knows how to surprise people" Debbie said taking Amelia's empty cup of coffee.

She gasped suddenly, "I need to buy a new dress" and exasperated.

"I'll leave you to it" Debbie said closing the door behind her.

It was nearly time for her shift to end meaning she had enough time to go shopping, and there were only two assistants that she had to take with her.

Shelia and Rachel.

It was compulsory for them to accompany her with such a task and it would be rude not to ask them. Of course both agreed when she rang them and they met up soon after the confirmation. Nothing really seemed to jump out at them, maybe they were just talking too much to notice, however one thing caught Amelia's eye.

A beautiful burgundy gown that looked too special to even breath on. It flowed right down to the floor with two thin straps that hung over the shoulders. The girls were lost for words and knew Amelia had to try it on instantly. Once the masterpiece was revealed her best acquaintances applauded as if she was trying on her wedding dress. She couldn't deny, she looked absolutely stunning and the style flattered her figure perfectly. Her friends departed and Amelia traveled back to her apartment where she packed everything she needed for the wild weekend ahead.

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