•Part 27•

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Hello!! Soooo, I have finally completed this story in my drafts ahhh! This means I will be sticking to a more regular upload schedule of every 3 days - how exciting! Like I mentioned in one of my previous updates, I have a third book on the way too. It will be centred more on Paul's solo career and with Wings too (yay!!) but I'm sure the other boys will pop up every so often ;) Hope you enjoy! x

October 5th 1967

A week had passed and Paul still felt utterly heartbroken. He was frustrated both with himself that he wasn't more honest, and with Amelia that she couldn't see that he'd changed. He had spent the last few days milling about his home and wasted most of his hours in bed. Just when he thought he would use another day feeling sorry for himself, there was a sudden knock at his door. It was persistent so Paul quickened his pace and started to panic a little. He finally reached the door and flew it open to reveal a damp looking man who he did call his best friend not too long ago.

"You're the last person I want to see" Paul said but still, he let him in.

"I don't see how any of this is my fault" John replied stepping into his home.

Paul laughed in disbelief at his attitude and questioned why he even let him in.

"If you hadn't brought those things to the recording sessions for Sgt Pepper, I wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Ah, yes. However, you also wouldn't have made one of the most game changing albums of all time now would you?" John replied.

As much as it infuriated Paul, John was right. Paul slumped onto the sofa in his living room and sighed heavily.

"What am I going to do John?" he questioned despairingly.

John lit a cigarette and handed one to Paul which he accepted.

"I don't know Paul. I'm not sure how long you can keep pursuing this girl anymore, it's exhausting" He said.

Paul rubbed his eyes, "But you said it yourself. She's just totally remarkable. I can't possibly let her be taken by someone else. No one knows her like I do".

John could see his honesty and felt for his friend.

"I know, it is difficult" he said, "But she does hold you back, Paul. And I'm not the only one who can see it"

"What? Do you mean, you've talked to the boys about this before?" he said.

John nodded as he puffed a cloud, large and long. Paul felt uneasy about this. Why were they keeping things from him?

"We wanted to tell you, but we thought you'd react irrationally" John said, almost reading his mind.

They sat in silence as the tension grew and multiplied.

John spoke again, "But I really don't know what you should do this time, Paul. I really don't. She does bring a lot of good to you, and she's certainly one of a kind"

Paul looked at him and longed for a clear answer to appear.

"I love her so much" he muttered to himself, but still articulate enough for John to know what he said.

"I know you do" he replied, taking a seat next to him and another silence grew.

He took a deep breath, "Actually, I take back what I said"

Paul was surprised, "Why?".

"Well, we all know my relationship with Cynthia isn't at its best right now. My term of reference on all of this is completely different" He informed him logically.

Paul understood, "I suppose so. But I've still been... well... a bit of an arse".

John chuckled, "I don't think you have. I think you've just tried to have a good time"

Paul smiled briefly at his comment, "I didn't have to turn to drugs though. And I knew she hated even just the idea of them, I should've respected her more"

"Well, it's happened now. Don't dwell on it too long. Besides, you weren't together at the time you started using" John said.

Paul still felt defeated, "What am I going to do?".

"Give it time, I'm sure you'll be back to normal in no time" John said reassuringly.

The two looked at each other and saw their years of friendship pass right in front of their eyes.

"We've been through quite a lot haven't we" John smirked.

"Indeed we have, Johnny" Paul replied.

"57, wasn't it?" John reminisced.

Paul thought for a moment, "Yeah, I think it was. St Peter's garden fête if I remember correctly".

"Ah yes, times have changed so much haven't they" he responded.

"Can you imagine if we hadn't met?" Paul said wondering further.

"I don't like to think about that really, it feels wrong" John said honestly, "I feel I was always destined to do this".

"Do you think The Beatles will end?" Paul asked daringly.

John eventually put out his cigarette before replying, "Probably, but lets enjoy it for now."

There was something poignant about those words. It was perhaps the main thing that stayed with him the most from their conversation.

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