•Part 14•

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May 27th 1967

The dreaded wait for her flight was worse than she had anticipated - now that she had reunited with Paul once again, everything had changed. They stood huddled amongst the first class people in the departure lounge. Amelia's eyes felt as if they could leak at any moment, she didn't want to leave him again.

"When are you coming back?" She said wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Soon" Paul replied almost a whisper and kissed the top of her head.

She smothered her face into his chest, savouring his scent and wanting to stay with him forever.

"I'll miss you" She said quietly for fear of her voice cracking, Paul took notice of her wiriness and misery.

"Me too. You're going to be fine, my dear" he said reassuring her "You won't even think about me, you've got your article to focus on".

She smiled to herself and looked up at him, "I could never forget you, not properly".

"You tried though" Paul said.

"And even though I wanted to erase you, I still managed to think of you" She said back.

They paused, still embracing each other.

"Do you still have our apartment?" She asked resting her head on his chest.

"Do you really think I'd get rid of that place?" He asked laughing a little.

"After all, it is very conveniently placed" he added.

"I guess so" she said sighing.

They left another pause.

"I don't suppose you'd like to move back in would you?" He asked and she instantly perked her head up.

"Yes! Of course!" She grinned.

"Wow!" He chuckled "you really must be sick of your parents".

She laughed, "Well it is difficult living in a house with five people. Privacy does not really exist. Besides, David still hasn't left yet and Lisa is, well... becoming a teenager".

They smiled looking at each other. They studied their faces, taking in every detail that laid on the surface. Amelia truly believed he was the most beautiful soul, both on the inside and the outside. Paul marvelled in her grace. The way her face fell when she looked and talked at him was something he'd never forget.

"Flight 4276 to London Gatwick is now boarding"

Amelia gripped tighter onto Paul's shirt desperate to stay. She embraced him and he did the same. That's when she broke. The flood gates had opened and she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"I don't want to leave you again," she said sobbing "I'm sorry I ever did".

Paul took her face in his stable hands, "Hey Lia, look at me ok," he said calmly "you do not have to apologise for that, I should've given you a break".

She continued to cry without caring about the people who passed them by, "my life has been terrible without you, and I now I've realised how much I need you with me".

"I know my dear, me too. But I'm not going to be gone forever," he said relaxing his grip to encourage her to go "it's only for a few months, now go on otherwise you'll miss your flight".

But Amelia clung on, "just... just before I go," she sniffed and cleared up her face quickly before throwing herself forward and merging her smooth lips with his.

Their mouths danced together as they took a taste of each other knowing that they'd miss it. Time froze for their moment, which Amelia was grateful for, as they continued to kiss each other.

Paul broke apart for a moment, "one more..." she insisted.

They continued lightly and more respectively of others. They stood back for a moment when they concluded that she really must leave now. Paul pecked the last two tears that trickled down her cheeks. Amelia collected her sanity as well as her baggage.

She took a deep breath "Goodbye, Paulie".

"Goodby, Lia" he replied a little out of breath but waved her off.

She moved swiftly towards her gate realising that she needed to pick up the pace. Before going to her plane, she took a quick glance at the window behind her. There he stood waving and smiling at her. She was reminded of her window back at her office. This time she could open the blind without any fear within her. This then led her to think about Shelia and all she had to tell her. She waved quickly then turned back to the plane and found her seat.

Once she took her seat, she recollected her thoughts and emotions. She concluded that the reason she was so overwhelmed was because she didn't want to make that same mistake again.

"It's only a few months" she muttered to herself.

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