•Part 21•

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September 20th 1967

It was the day of filming for the I Am The Walrus scene. The majority of the film had already been shot and the band only had 5 days left of filming, so it was vital that Amelia worked swiftly. Nothing was scripted, but concepts had been arranged and ordered to stick to but to a certain degree. Although John had heavily influenced and took charge of this scene, most of the Magical Mystery Tour film project was lead by Paul and he was credited with most of the ideas. Amelia felt immensely proud of him and now it was her turn to take a lead.

She spoke to the multiple camera operators, reminding them of key shots and angles she wanted. She was also given a headset to talk back to the other crew members producing the scene.

"Ok boys, are we ready?" she asked as they took their place for the first shot.

They nodded and smiled ready for action. They were positioned with their instruments and in their costumes that they had asked for. Colours were very important for this film, considering only about 200,000 people had colour televisions in the UK.

"Ok, quiet on set please" she ordered "and action".

The track was played and the band began to mime over the music. Amelia was full of adrenaline and anticipation for her sequence. She still felt astonished that John wanted her to direct a scene for the film. When the band section was complete, they moved onto the next location and focused on the costume changes with the help from the designer. She had never worked with a designer before, and found it one of the most insightful experiences.

"Do you think this is going well?" Amelia asked Paul whilst on their lunch break.

He took her hand and caressed her gently, "Lia, you're doing an amazing job. Don't doubt yourself".

She smiled, "I know, I know. I just don't want to ruin the film. It's so unique and I want it to be the best it can be".

Paul loved her so much in that moment. They were both creatively working together but on a whole new level. They were experiencing and living life together. He couldn't imagine anyone else he'd want to be and work with.

"You're so beautiful" he said.

"Don't say that stuff now" she said slightly shy.

"Aw but I just love you so much, Lia" he said in her ear and he brought her close.

"Lunch is over guys, lets keep rolling" the producer announced and two separated.

"Hey, lets have a nice meal tonight. Just the two of us" Paul said spontaneously, which was fitting for the atmosphere of the film.

"Are you sure we will have time?" Amelia asked tentatively.

"I will make time" he said and shouted "I love you" as he rushed off to the next scene.

Amelia's heart was warm and she couldn't help but grin. She was now more determined than ever to complete the filming for today. Each section was filmed perfectly and lots of laughs occurred along the way. At points it seemed like they were never going to finish, but eventually they did with time to spare. Everyone returned back to their designated dressing rooms and congratulated Amelia on her efforts.

"Good job Amelia, you should go into this for a living" their producer, Dennis O'Dell, commented.

She scoffed, "You must be joking! I had no clue what was going on!".

Dennis laughed, "I don't think they did either" and he walked away.

Amelia was left a little confused after his remark. She turned to look in the direction he was looking in previously. She noticed John, Ringo and George acting rather giddy and inappropriate. It wasn't like anything she had noticed before from them. The boys always had a laugh, but never like this. She had not been on set for much of the filming until today and suspected that perhaps something was being hidden from her. Without being obvious, she attempted to peer a bit further into the corner they were huddled in. They were holding and fiddling with something, but she couldn't make out what it was. She decided to go ahead a find out what was happening as curiosity got the better of her.

"How are we all doing then?" she asked walking up to them, trying to seem oblivious to their suspicious behaviour.

The boys were flushed with bewildered expressions before quickly looking relaxed again as she took a seat next them. She couldn't help but notice them fumble with some sort of silver tin that was quickly pushed to the side of the dressing table. As much as John tried to cover up the object, nothing could get past her beady eyes. But she kept things peaceful, and decided not to confront them.

"We were just talking about today's filming. We loved all the ideas you had for us" George said.

"Yeah thanks Amelia. You really put a lot of trust in us" John also said with a glimpse of a smirk.

Amelia couldn't help but notice their odd demeanour but swallowed her speculations and continued the conversation.

"Shall we get going then, Lia?" Paul said popping into the dressing room suddenly.

Amelia turned to look at him and felt an immense amount of relief to see him.

She got up to leave and collected her things. Paul politely let her depart the dressing room first which enabled the boys to get back to what they were doing. Just as Paul was about to step out the door, John leapt from his chair and pushed the silver tin into his hand.

Paul looked down at his palm and turned to face him, "Why are you giving me this?" he asked, knowing full well what was lurking inside.

"Oh come on, Paul. You've had a busy day. You need something to take your mind off things. Have a good time!" John said enthusiastically, his eyes wider than ever.

Paul was unsure of what to do. The past few days had been quite hard hitting. John could see his uncertainty and moved closer to him.

"You did it back when she wasn't here" he whispered and nodded in Amelia's direction.

"Yes, and that was a very dark time for me John" Paul reminded him sternly.

John rolled his eyes, "Just take it with you in case you change your mind, ok?"

He placed it back firmly into Paul's hand and returned to his seat. Paul promptly shoved the tin into his blazer pocket and out of sight as he caught up with Amelia outside the dressing room.

"So, where should we eat?" She asked beaming.

Paul smiled back and sprinted in front of her. He then suddenly jumped and landed in a theatrical pose, somewhat resembling Fred Astaire.

"Now, if you're blue
And you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits?"

Amelia laughed at his performance, but felt it would be extremely rude of her not to complete the line.

"Puttin' on the Ritz!"

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