•Part 51•

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September 20th 1969

The journey home was like no other. He felt as if he was in a dream where everything appeared the same as reality, but there was an odd sensation about everything. He didn't say a word to the cab driver - he had no regards for politeness in that moment. He just needed to be with Amelia. He didn't know what he'd say, but he was desperate for her tender care and instinctive reassurance. Paul quickly burst through the front door, frightening Amelia who was upstairs.

"Paul, what on earth are you doing!" she shouted unable to see him at that point.

After no response, she walked downstairs to find Paul stood blankly in the foyer.

"What's happened?" she asked, deeply concerned at his demeanour.

"John's left" he murmured.

It was a miracle that she even understood the words that had come out of his mouth. Amelia's eyes widened unable to contain her shock. The pair stood in silence as they both tried to comprehend the situation.

Paul in particular thought about their whole history together - How they had met when they were teenagers, playing in Hamburg and in Liverpool, their rise to fame, the madness of Beatlemania and all the masterpieces they had made that would firmly stand the test the time.

And that's when it finally hit him.
His best friend was gone.

They were partners in music no more. Tears formed in his eyes and he couldn't care less about holding them back. His face fell into his hands as he sobbed. Amelia had never seen anything like it from him. This was a different sort of heartbreak, and one that made her emotional in return. Without saying a word, the two embraced each other and cried. Weak at the knees, Paul slowly dropped to the floor and Amelia cradled him as he clung onto her body. She repeatedly stroked his hair in an attempt to comfort him, but nothing was going to sooth the hurt that quickly.

Millions of questions raced through his mind and he desperately wanted them to cease in that very moment.

What was to happen now?

Were the Beatles over too?

What would happen to the 'Get Back' project and Abbey Road?

What was Harrison going to say and the rest of the crew when they find out?

His crying lasted for some time, but Amelia stayed with him the for the whole duration not worrying about what else she had to do that day. It wasn't important anymore. She felt undeniably heartbroken for him, this was his world.

What the public didn't realise was that The Beatles were a band almost ten years before they hit the spotlight. They had known each other and played with each other since they were teenagers. It's a cliche to say, but they truly were a family. They spent most of their time together. Before Amelia, or any of the girls for that matter, they practically lived with each other.

The closeness of Paul and John was different though.

It was indescribable and she couldn't even imagine what it was like before she met him. Paul still couldn't believe the situation. He had lost his best friend. He knew it would take him time to come to terms with it, and he feared that he may fall into a pit of despair. Little did he know, that their last recording session as a four piece was when they had completed a track titled "The End" - which was unfortunately fitting for their situation - only a month prior.

After a long period of weeping and thinking, Paul's breathing slowed and he seemed to calm down a little. Amelia gently moved his head and cupped his face in her dainty hands.

"You're going to ok, Paul. I promise" she said softly and smiling a little with wet eyes.

Paul's face was flushed red and his eyes were still filled with tears.

"We're going to see past this one day" she continued and he nodded closing his eyes in an attempt to trust her as deeply as he could.

He leaned on her again and buried his face in her shoulder, having an immense desire to just be held. Amelia turned slightly so that her mouth was close to his right ear.

"You're not done yet, Paul. Nowhere near".

second question... ~ Paul McCartney (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now