•Part 44•

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June 18th 1968

A month had passed. Summer was on its way yet the album was not even close to being finished.

The boys believed the album wouldn't be completed until the Autumn if they were to continue to work at the rate they were. Although there were still tensions, they were creating some ground breaking new sounds. All of them were eager to use their newly discovered styles and rhythms they had worked on individually. Paul was more than exhilarated by the new content, but found each recording session exhausting as a result.

Amelia noticed this and thought of a bizarre but also endearing idea that could cheer him up. And considering it was his birthday, she thought it was the perfect time to surprise him.

"Hello Lia" Paul chirped as he walked into their home.

Amelia sprinted up from her spot and rushed to cover his eyes so that he couldn't see the surprise.

"Lia what are you doing!" he laughed wondering what she was up to now.

"Oh come on Paul! It's your birthday! You didn't think I wouldn't surprise you, did you?" She remarked leading him into the living room.

She kept her hands firmly over his eyes until he was stood in the right place.

"Keep them closed please!" She said moving away and preparing the surprise.

"You are funny dear" he said chuckling to himself.

"Ok, you can open them now" she said grinning with excitement and anticipation.

Paul slowly opened his eyes before blinking frantically a few times once he saw what was sat before him.

Right by his feet sat a small and rather fluffy Old English Sheepdog puppy. She looked up at him and tilted her head making Paul's heart warm.

"Aw Lia this is the best!" He exclaimed and bent down to stroke his new companion.

Amelia smiled, "I thought this would cheer you up".

Paul smiled at her and stood up again to give her a kiss, "Thank you, dear"

"You're very welcome. Now, what are you going to call her?" She asked curiously and smirking at him.

"Oh my goodness" he said trying to think of something.

He looked at her intently, trying think of something fitting for her personality and appearance.

"I think we'll have to wait and get to know her a bit first" he said as he scooped her up in his arms and Amelia held her hand out for her to lick.

"She is cute isn't she" she said beaming at their new addition to their family.

"She is rather," he said looking at her proudly, "Just like you"

Amelia scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Uh huh"

Paul chuckled at her reaction and felt so in love with her in that very moment. She smiled noticing this and gave him a kiss.

"I'm so proud of you, Paul" she said still clinging to his waist and looking up at his face.

"You are?" He said, slightly surprised at her soppy demeanour.

"I really am. You deserve everything you have Paul. I was just pondering earlier on how you really filled in that gap that was left when Brian died. You really took on that leadership role with the band, and the films, and the music. You've had a busy time of late, but I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You continue to inspire me everyday Paul. I wouldn't be who I am without you"

Her small speech provoked Paul's emotions as he looked down at her petite face.

"Thank you, Amelia. You're so special to me" he said endearingly as they hugged each other tightly.

"I hope you've had a good day" she breathed out as they embraced.

Paul sighed a little, "Well, tensions are still pretty high. But at the least the music is ingenious"

Amelia smiled sympathetically, "It will be ok Paul. It's just a bit tough right now".

As much as she tried to reassure him, Paul wasn't as convinced.

"I'm not completely sure at the minute if I'm honest" he said openly, "Most days I dread going to the studio and working with the guys, but the music is what motivates me".

Amelia was a little shocked at his comment but tried her best to understand.

"I absolutely loved making music with John. But right now, I feel like we've lost that spark since Yoko came in. She isn't horrible or anything like that, I just feel like he's neglected us a bit" he said honestly.

Amelia nodded as he continued. It was clear to her that he wanted to speak out his internal thoughts for a moment or two.

"I don't know. Maybe that excitement will come back again. But right now, I feel like things aren't going to last very long between us".

Amelia felt heartbroken once again. How many conversations like this were they going to keep having, she thought.

"I'm sorry, Paul. It sounds really difficult" she said feeling for him.

She remembered that she had cut a slice of cake to bring to him before they began their serious discussion. So she quickly went off to the kitchen and brought him some cake.

"For now though, let's just enjoy you birthday hey?" She said, handing him a plate and a fork.

Paul smiled once again, "Someone should write a song about that".

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