•Part 20•

430 13 2

September 10th 1967

A few months passed as Amelia was tossed back and forth between her place and Paul's. They decided to not move back in together straight away for fear of the publics speculation about their relationship taking over The Beatle's new project - Magical Mystery Tour. Amelia's Sgt. Pepper article was a hit, and boosted the bands image even further through the roof. The Beatles were officially back. Their future was definitely uncertain after their sudden end to their touring life, but Paul always knew they'd come back even better.

Although their life seemed to be back on track, there were still struggles along the way. Back in August, their beloved manager and friend Brian Epstein sadly passed away. His death completely shook the band and ricocheted onto Amelia too. Although she hadn't spent nearly as much time with him as the boys did, Brian still made a huge impact on her both as a person and in her professional career. But still the lads pressed on with their album, and they completed their first studio recording since Epstein's death about a month later. It was a beautiful moment. George, Ringo, John and Paul were all surrounded by their partners - Pattie, Maureen, Cynthia and Amelia of course. The song was unconventional, but there was something special about it. It was very Lennon-inspired and just when Amelia thought his musicality couldn't be stretched any further - it was.

Amelia woke up to the sound of her telephone, which was unusual for a Saturday morning. Considering her lie in had been cut short, she desperately hoped this phone call was important.

"This better be good" She spoke as soon as she picked up the phone, feeling a chirpy 'Good morning' was not appropriate.

"Don't worry it will be" John said reassuringly "Can you come down to the studio today?" he asked.

Amelia felt puzzled "I thought the song was finished?".

"It is, and it's a master piece. 'I am the Walrus' will shake the galaxy!" he said and Amelia smiled at his pride, "but there's something we'd like your help with".

She thought about what on earth it was that John could possibly need help with now. This was one of the songs that Amelia didn't have a massive input on for this album, making her more puzzled about what he could need her for.

"Great. I'll see you at 10" Lennon finalised and hung up the phone before she could say a word.

This didn't shock her at all. This was simply how John worked and she was used to it. She made her way back to her bedroom, taking a sharp glance at her wall clock - it was 9:42. Amelia laughed at the time and rubbed her face thinking it would wake her up quicker. She moved around her room, composing her outfit for the day and making herself look presentable. The items to accompany her today, she had no clue. So she settled on a notepad, pen and her camera as her weapons for battle today. She checked the time again - 9:56 - and made her way out onto the streets of London.

When she arrived at Abbey Road Studios, she flew a quick 'hello' to the receptionist and picked up a newspaper that was lying on the front desk on her way to the studio space.

"Did you know that the BBC are completely restructuring their national radio program? There will now be 4 Radio channels for the BBC and all for different subject matters!" Amelia blabbered as she waltzed into the studio.

"And good morning to you too, darling" Paul said sitting on a stool across the room from her.

She looked up from the newspaper and felt warm as her eyes fell on Paul's sweet face. She made her way over to him trying to retain her sheer amount of excitement for seeing him that morning.

"I didn't know you would be here" she said as she greeted him with a soft embrace and a quick kiss.

"We practically live here" he laughed.

Amelia took off her cardigan, relieving her from any restrictions incase she had to complete anything somewhat practical. She placed herself on a stool next to Paul whilst John and the others were busy chatting and walking around the space. She soon noticed a fresh cup of coffee steaming on the other side of where Paul was sitting and saw an opportunity to swiftly take a swig. Paul looked at her with a baffled expression which shortly morphed into a smile and then a slight snigger with a disapproving shake of his head. She laughed too at her sudden impulses, making it difficult to swallow the large gulp of coffee she had stolen.

"I can get you your own one if you'd rather?" he asked still laughing slightly.

Finally she swallowed, "I'm ok. Really!"

"Uh-huh" Paul said with a hint of disbelief.

She returned the cup back to its place beside Paul and propped herself up in an attempt to compose herself.

"Right. Lennon! What do you need me for!" She said sharply, making his head flicked up.

John swiftly walked over to her and remained standing as he informed her of why she was here.

"We want you... well... I want you to direct the I Am The Walrus section for the Magical Mystery Tour film" he said straight to the point.

Just when Amelia thought she couldn't be shocked anymore by John's creative impulses, she was left astounded by his suggestion.

"Where on earth did you formulate such an idea?" she asked overtly perplexed.

"Well the way you direct our musical compositions I'm sure could be easily applied to a film setting" he replied.

She turned to Paul for reassurance, yet he shrugged as if he had no clue what John was speaking about.

"You get us Amelia. You've been with us for a long time and i don't think many directors would be able to convey our ideas in such a way as you can" he told her, still standing up.

She was slightly taken back by his compliment, not used to this cordial demeanour he was presenting before her. Paul smiled as she kept her gaze upon John whilst he explained some key elements he wanted to include in the scene. She began to take notes incase she ever forgot, but by what John was saying, it would've been very difficult for her to forget such odd requests.

"And what do the other boys think about this?" she asked once John had finally finished.

"I'm just glad it's not my song" Harrison remarked and she laughed.

"So how long have I got?" She asked.

Then George Martin appeared out of the mixing room and into the recording space, "about two weeks".

Amelia's eyes widened as she reacted to what George had just informed her with. Paul briskly took another mouthful of coffee, as if it was some sort of coping mechanism as well as a cover for his laughter.

"John, I've barely started the album review let alone have time for formulating ideas for a cinematic sequence!" she exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I've spoken to your supervisor" he said reassuringly.

This bewildered her even more, "You spoke to my supervisor?".

"More like chatted her up" Ringo commented and the boys chuckled as John smirked a little.

"It's all under control, Amelia. She said you needed a break from writing anyway" John said before taking a seat at a piano.

She didn't know what to say. She couldn't work out if she was excited or horrified. John began to play the song which had a completely different sound to the recording she had heard. It was somewhat peaceful but ever so sinister. Soon, ideas began to flood into her mind about what she could possibly to for the scene with context about the film she already had. She pondered on several aspects including setting, outfits and colours. John almost finished the entire song when the boys began to improvise off each other, which was a regular occurrence and didn't phase her.

"Ok, I'll do it" She said over the music.

Paul smiled at her and the boys cheered whilst George Martin gave her a look as if to say "Good luck, you will need it".


Man it feels good to be back! I can't wait to share the rest of these chapters!
You're all in for treat ;) x

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