•Part 46•

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September 8th 1968

Still, tensions lingered in the studio throughout summer, but the boys pressed on. Finally, Ringo had returned from his brief departure from the band. In an attempt to reconcile any broken friendships amongst him and the guys, George left him an abundance of flowers on his drum kit. This made Ringo smile and it was as if everything was forgotten about for a moment. Paul had confided in Amelia more and more in recent times about his frustrations with the boys and decided to take a different approach to that days recording session.

"Right I have an idea," Paul said grandly entering the recording space.

"Let's get everyone involved today who's in the studio" he declared and John looked at him puzzled.

"Really?" George said confused at his sudden urge of enthusiasm.

"Yes. If you guys want to be here, then let's get you on the record" he said and then the boys realised what he was doing.

He was incorporating Yoko because he was fed up with her just sitting there and doing nothing.

"What shall we do?" John asked standing up and pulling his guitar over his shoulder.

"Let's have a jam!" Paul replied seeming genuinely excited.

"Alright then!" John said copying his manner.

Then Paul fumbled around on the bass and manage to work out a catchy riff that he repeated over and over until the lads caught onto it. They all eventually built around it and worked out some words.

Paul began to sing in a rather shouty tone;

"They say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you"

Then John suddenly dropped out, leading Ringo into a drum section that lasted eight measures which then lead to a natural middle eight in which John then sang;

"Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party"

Paul then cut in shouting, "this is where we get Yoko to sing!"

And so she did, filling in the gaps Paul left for her.

"I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you do dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Oh dance! Dance"

Paul laughed at what he was doing, but all of them seemed to be happy with the sounds they were creating.

"Quick! Let's get this recorded" Harrison yelled and they finished to work out the basic structure of the song.

Paul rounded everyone up after the rough backing track was made and he instructed everyone when to clap and sing backing vocals which included Yoko, Pattie and some of the recording crew.

John and Paul then recorded their lead vocal parts and harmonies. Paul was shocked at how spontaneous the song was. He was also baffled that they had written and recorded it all in one day.

"I don't know what you just did, but it sounded great" George Martin said from the mixing desk and Paul felt proud of himself.

Yet, he was apprehensive whether it would last. Although him and John worked well together that day, he couldn't help but feel John was a little off with him. Perhaps his new and almost sarcastic approach had just made everything worse? Either way, the band made a brilliant new tune for their unconventional album which still had a lot of work that needed to be done.

After working long and hard that day, Paul finally arrived back home in the early hours of the morning. This wasn't uncommon, and some days he would go as far as sleeping in the studio if he was working on something important to him. He quickly got ready for bed and jumped in next to Amelia who had awoken when she heard the front door open.

"Did your plan work?" She asked sleepily and moving closer to him.

"I think so" he said.

"You don't sound very convinced" she replied.

He sighed, "Well, the song we made today was brilliant. We've mixed it and everything. It's just I'm not sure how John took the whole thing, I think he saw through my sarcasm".

"Well that's not surprising. He knows you better than anyone else" she said.

Again, she was correct. No one knew Paul on the level John did. Amelia was close, but their relationship was different. There was something brotherly about the way they worked together which is probably why they had disagreements. Paul still felt like things weren't right but he just kept a solid mindset on finishing the album. But he had no clue how long that was going to be, and he wondered most days how long he could go on for feeling like this.

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