Author Note

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Hi everyone!!!!!!!

Before the story starts, I just wanted to say a few things.
I made this story with my own imagination but I did get the idea from a writing prompt. I researched Greek mythology and used some of it in my book.  Most of the names featured in this story are Greek, and have meaning. This is my first story on Wattpad, so sorry if there mistakes (I did edit it but there are probably some that I missed so if you see any please let me know). 


These pronunciation could be wrong, but this is how I like to pronounce these names.

*Sirenuse (Siren-yous)
There are a group of islands off the coast of Italy where Greek Mythology actually believe is where the Sirens had lived. One of the many names given to the islands were Sirenuse.

*Callia Para (Ka-lee-a, Pear-ra)
-Callia means beautiful voice in Greek.

*Kalliope (Kel-lee-o-pe)
-Kalliope also mean beautiful voice in Greek.

*Taras (Tar-rus)
-Taras means Poseidon's son in Greek.

*Nerissa Pelagia (Nar-iss-sa, Pel-a-gee-a)
-Nerissa means sea nymph in Greek.
-Pelagia means the sea in Greek.

*Proteus Odele (Pro-tee-us, O-deal)
-Proteus means prophetic God of the sea in Greek.
-Odele means song in Greek.

*Maris (Mare-iss)
-Maris means of the sea in Greek.

Now these next three were one of the original names given to the three Sirens in Greek Mythology.

*Thelxinoe (Thell-ex-e-no)
-Thelxinoe means charming of the mind in Greek.

*Ligeia (La-ge-ya)
-Ligeia means clear toned in Greek.

*Molpe (Mol-op)
-Molpe means song in Greek.

In Greek mythology, this is not the Goddess that created the Sirens (Demeter, Persephone's mother, was the one to have created them), but I decided to make it this Goddess since she is the Goddess of the sea, and was a far more relevant choice for my book.

*Amphitrite (Amph-it-trite)
-Sea Goddess and consort of Poseidon.

I also used an uncommonly known version in Greek Mythology of how Sirens looked, to make my story different and unique.

I don't have any pictures of the characters in this story. All the character's looks I had made up myself, but if you think they look like someone don't afraid to say who.

Warning - This story does contain swearing, mentions of anxiety and other mental illnesses, and some other strong themes.


Everyone is always excited about their 21st birthday. It means you can drink and go out to clubs. Which are the normal things that you usually do when you finally hit twenty one.

Everyone is so excited except Callia Para, who is anything but normal.

Callia has always dreaded the day she finally turns twenty one.

Her whole life she has known this day would come, that she must do what others before her had done.

The day when she must perform her Rite of Passage. If she completes the Rite, she will be bestowed with a gift from her Goddess, and finally will be considered as an adult amongst her kind, as well as finishing her last transformation.

But the things is, to complete her Rite, Callia must choose a random human and...

...Lure them to their death, by only using her voice.

Callia is conflicted, for if she fails to complete her Rite she will lose everything and everyone she has ever known, but she fears what will happen to her heart, her soul if she does complete the Rite and take an innocent life.

Choices will be made. Consequences to face.


Like Callia, everyone on the island of Sirenuse is a Siren.

A beautiful being with unique angelic looking wings and contains a voice of pure temptation.

For Centuries, her kind have been known for luring men and women to their deaths by only using what numerous legends have called their Siren Song, along with their unearthly beauty.


Nathaniel Harper is 23 years old, and has lived a fairly normal, human life in his home town Brooklyn, New York.

Nathaniel has always wanted to travel, to go on adventures like the ones he has only ever read in books.

Fresh out of Uni with a degree in hand, he decides it's time to have an adventure of his own. Having always been entranced by the beauty and the culture of Italy, that's where he decides to go.

After travelling around to many different cities in Italy, Nathaniel arrives at The Amalfi Coast. From there he boards a small boat cruise that goes around some of the islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

One stormy night, unable to sleep, Nathaniel wonders around the boat; when out of nowhere he hears the most beautiful voice sing such an enchanting song. Calling to him.

Nathaniel then feels like he has no other choice but to find the owner of that lovely voice.

He didn't know it then, but his life was about to change, for better or for worse.


That's all I wanted to say, but if you do have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Now you can start the story.
Hope you enjoy!!!!!
See ya later mates!!!

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now