Chapter One

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Sasha Pieterse

To say I'm tired is an understatement. I just wrapped up the promo shoot for Dancing with the Stars and tomorrow, I'll be meeting with Marlene to talk about the new show, The Perfectionist. Not to mention, my daily training session with my trainer and keeping up with my YouTube channel. Life is extremely busy.

But I wouldn't want it any other way. I love having things to do. Keeping my mind preoccupied. Otherwise, I'd probably spend most of my time harping on what I can't have. But, I'm not going to kill the mood thinking about that. I pulled out my phone and texted Hudson. He is on his way to Cali to meet me tonight for dinner with Marlene and Janel. I'm so excited to begin filming.

There's another text message from my agent. Apparently there are a few magazines wanting me to talk about my weight gain and the affect that it has had on me. I don't really want to talk about that but I know that my story will be able to help someone else. I just don't want to be thrust into the spotlight at this point.

I heard my personal assistant knock on the window. She's been a major part of my life for the past five years she's more than just an assistant. She's now one of my closest friends.

S: Hey, what's up Dani?
D: Hey! When's Hudson getting in?
S: He says his flight lands at 6:45
D: So. We'll go ahead with your hair appointment and your mani and pedi. Then we'll swing by to pick him up
S: Sounds good!
D: Lucy called also. She wants to hang out when you have some time
S: Oh wow! How long is she in town for?
D: Uhhh, I think she said a week? She's scheduled to start filming in a few weeks
S: Cool. I'll text here in the shop. Thanks D!
D: No problem babe! Relax, you deserve it!

I smiled before getting out the backseat of the Yukon. I went to close the door but Dani stuck her head out.

D: Oh! By the way! Shay agreed to do Thanksgiving Edition of In Good Taste!
S: Amazing! Thanks Dani!

I walked into the salon, smiling. God, I miss Shay. Her laughter. Her smile. Her warm touch and awesome cuddles. I can't wait! I walked up to my stylist who gives me a sassy look before blowing me a kiss. Eric always kept my hair looking good.

E: Beau-tiful! How are you? Kiss kiss!
S: Hello gorgeous!
E: I know I say it often, but your eyes give me chills. Magnificent!
S: (blushing) Thank you!
E: Sit sit! Tell me about DWTS! My God. Can I be your partner?
S: (laughs) I wish. I actually have a really good partner. His name is Gleb!
E: Ooh! Me Bella! He's actually gorgeous! Hudson in trouble!

I shook my head as my other friend and Eric's partner, in business and life, strutted over. Trent kissed Eric's cheek.

T: Oh no! Hudson's been in trouble. The gorgeous Shay Mitchell is competition enough!
E: Oh my God. My Emison/Sashay heart can't take it!

I laughed. Eric and Trent were huge Emison lovers. So much so, they called themselves captain of the Emison ship. They both had the Emison shirts and would fan girl whenever Eric would show up on the set to help get My hair right. I trust Eric with my hair completely and many of the jobs I've had would hire him to maintain my glorious curls.

S: Well you guys are going to love the upcoming episode of Sasha in Good Taste. Shay will be my co-host.
E: ( loud screech) Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I must blog about this!
S: (laughs) Yes, please do. Get the word out!

We laughed and talked a little longer. Eric finished my hair in the normally tight curls. I blew them kisses as I left to go next door to get my mani and pedi. Yogi was waiting for me. I love the attention that she pays to my hands and feet.

Y: I heard their screeching all the way over here. What got them so excited?
S: Shay will be doing the next In Good Taste with me
Y: Yeeeessssssss. Feed our Emison hearts

We laughed and talked. By the time I left, it was already 6:15. Dani was waiting to take me to the airport.

D: So, we go get Hudson. Take him back to the house. You get ready for dinner with Marlene and Janel. And we'll call it a night?
S: Sounds good babe. Let's go!

We get Hudson and head home. I'm excited for the night.

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