Chapter Thirty-Two

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Shay: Y-you really love me?
S: (sniffs/laughs) With my whole entire heart

I don't know what to do with myself. Sasha actually admitted to being in love with me, on national television. When Sammy first told me, I didn't believe her. I though she was just teasing me. But she went and found the clip for me. It's now everywhere. I had to call her. We're sitting on FaceTime and all I want is to hold her. I want to be with her so bad and I guess she noticed.

S: Shay, calm down (laughs) I'll be home in about two hours
Shay: I love you too

I blurted it out and blushed. Sasha whimpered and wiped her tears.

S: Say it again
Shay: I love you I love you I love you
S: God, I'll never get tired of hearing that
Shay: (smiles) You know this changes everything right?
S: Yeah, no shit (giggles) Is that bad for you? (looks down nervously)
Shay: I don't care if it means I get to have you
S: (sighs) I probably should have spoke with you first
Shay: No Sash, the fact that you felt so free to do it when you did, I could never be mad at you for that
S: You're parents must think-
Shay: They love you too actually. Especially Gram
S: She's so cute
Shay: (snorts) She said the same thing about you after she met you last year
S: Well, if it's an help, my parents already like you too
Shay: (groans) I have to, you know, tell Matte
S: I still have to tell Hudson (content sigh) But, we're in this together. I love you so much
Shay: Please let me know when you get here! I'm meeting you at the airport
S: (lovesick smile) Okay. See you soon

I hopped up from the sofa and skipped down the hall of my house. I passed by Sammy and she grinned at me.

Sam: The Emison fandom is back in business!
Shay: (chuckles) Oh God
Sam: So... when are you going to break up with Matte?
Shay: Soon. I don't want to string this along any longer
Sam: I'm happy for you and Sasha. You guys are so cute
Shay: Yeah, yeah. Thank you Sammy! You're the best

An hour later, I strolled into the airport with my body guard. I went by the store and got Sasha some flowers and her favorite candy. I want to shower her with the love she deserves. My bodyguard stood behind me as I waited near the gate with a hoodie and sweats on. When she say me, she took off running my way. She threw herself in my arms and burrowed my face in her neck.

She pulled back and we admired each other. I'd heard Sasha lost weight and she looked amazing. Even though her weight never bothered me, the glow and self-confidence that I loved so much was back. She's the most gorgeous thing in the world and she's mine.

Shay: You look so beautiful Sash
S: (blushes) Thank you. You look amazing yourself
Shay: (hands her the gifts) This is for you
S: (kisses Shay) Thank you so much my love

I grabbed her hand and linked our fingers as we walked away. Cameras started flashing and people began screaming. A group of girls that looked like a high school basketball team started chanting Sashay. Shay and I blushed as we waved to everyone. Paparazzi swooped in, shoving microphones at us.

Pap #1: Sasha, are you really I. Love with Shay?
Pap #2: Ladies, are you two a couple?
Pap #3: What's going on between you too?
Pap #4: Sasha, did you dump your fiancé Hudson?  
Pap #5: Shay, are you and Matte Babel a done deal?

I looked at Sasha and she smiled at me before lifting our fingers and kissing them. I blew her a kiss before we walked outside the airport door and got into my car. After we got situated and the bodyguard but her bags in the trunk, we pulled off.

Shay: So, How are we going to address this?
S: After we solve all the extra, we hold a joint press conference and tell everyone the truth
Shay: I don't want to hide anything
S: Me either. I want to be free to love and adore you
Shay: (blushes/looks down) I meet with Matte tonight
S: Hudson comes back tomorrow
Shay: Hey, it's going to be okay. As long as we are here for each other, everything will be okay
S: You're right (kisses Shay) I just want to be wrapped in your arms
Shay: After I handle everything tonight, I'll come to you
S: (smiles) I'll be waiting for you. I love you

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