Chapter Fifteen

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We decided to go ahead and film one of the major scenes for Sasha in Good Taste. Sammy and Kenn are also in the special so we decided to film the dessert portion first. There will be two main food parts and two small five minute decorating fillers. Sasha and I decided to make her triple layer carrot cake and sugar cookies.  We're currently mixing the batter for the cake.

S: Okay. Shay. We're going to make our cake batter first. So measure out 2 and 3/4 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar and 2 teaspoons of baking soda
Shay: Ooookkkaaayyy! Walla!
S: Alright. Now we have nutmeg, grated carrots, a cup of raisins and a cup of walnuts, 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt, cinnamon and vanilla extract
Sam: WOW Shay! You're actually paying attention
Shay: Of course! It's cake and I loooovvveee cake
Sam: I'm with you when your right!
S: (laughs) So Sammy. I want you to butter the pain and mix the liquids, beating the, together about 2 minutes
Sam: I'm on it (grabs ingredients)
S: And Kenn, I want you to go ahead and make the homemade cream cheese icing. For this, beat softened butter and cream cheese in a large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 2 to 3 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally, until smooth and creamy. Then stir in vanilla, then stir in powdered sugar
Kenn: Got it! It smells so good!
S: Okay Shay. Take the ingredients from Sammy and pour them into the dry mix and stir as you pour so it will be evenly distributed in
Shay: Yeeeesssss. Call me Chef Shay with the spoon
S: Yes! That's great! Okay guys. Take it and pour this into the first pan and this will be our first layer. Then we do this two more times for our other two layers

*An hour later*

We take the cake out of the oven and place them on the table. In the time that it took to cook, we filmed a 5 minute decoration special with pine cones. It was pretty neat. We also cleaned up the kitchen so it is once again spotless.

S: (giving them high fives) Teamwork makes the dream work! Now. The tedious part. Decorating the cake
Shay: What's going to be so hard about that?
S: Well, we Ha e the big part out the way. This is where attention to detail comes into to play. So, take each cake out of the pan and lay it on a piece of baking paper. Now, take a plastic spatula and spread the icing on top. Don't do too much.
Sam: I feel like a real deal baker right now
Shay: Walla! (Flips her arms open/icing flies in Sammy's face) Oops!
Sam: (mouth falls open/shocked laugh) Really Shan! (Dips spatula)
Shay: (laugh/runs) Sammy, noooo! I'm sorrryyyyy!
Sam; (chases her) No you're not! (Laughing)

I run behind Sasha and duck behind her, my arm around her waist. She looks back at me and giggles. Right when she turns around, Sammy slings the spatula in our direction. I admit, if Sash's hadn't turned around it would have landed dead in my hard. But instead, it landed on her cheek and nose. I burst out laughing and before I knew it, we were all throwing icing at each other. Sasha's camera guys were laughing, catching it all on film.

By the time it was over, we had icing all over us. We were laughing and I walked up to Sasha. She had a big chunk of icing on her cheek so I took my finger and wiped some of it off. I shook my finger in my mouth tasting it.

Shay: Oh my God! It is sooo good!
S: I told you guys it would be

Before I knew what was happening, she leaned down slightly and took my finger into her mouth. My eyes widened before I gasped in shock. Her mouth was so warm it sent tingles down my whole arm. She quickly let go and our eyes connected. Sammy and Kenn were still trying to get some of the icing out of their hair. I cleared my throat.

Shay: I'm going to start cleaning some of this up so we can finish taping
S: Uh, Yeah. Let's do that. I have somewhere I want to take you guys tonight
Sam: Whhhaaattt?! We're going on an adventure
Shay: (laughs) Yeah okay Dora the Explorer. Let's clean some of this up

We laughed before wiping up the icing. We spread some across the whole cake before putting on the finishing touches on the cake. It turned out so beautiful.

After the camera guy took some b-roll of the cake, we all cut a slice and sat in Sasha's living room.

Sam: Oh my God, this is heaven
Shay: (laughs) We're definitely going to the gym in the morning
S: I was going to ask about that. I can't wait to start
Shay: Awesome! 7:30 we're up and at it
S, Sam, Kenn: 7:30?!!!

Shaycation In Good TasteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora