Chapter Thirteen

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I'm on my way to pick up Shay and Sammy. I can't wait to hang out with them this week. It's almost like a girls night that stretches for days. I can't wait. We're pulling up into Shay's driveway and I see her running from Sammy. They are so silly. I love watching their Snapchat and Instagram feeds.

I get out the truck and go to help Shay with her bags. We give each other a big hug and I grab her duffle bag to put it in the truck. After loading the trunk, Shay goes over and says goodbye to Angel. She's so cute! I go over to pet her.

S: Oh my goodness. Angel you're a pretty girl (rubbing her hair)
Shay: (laughs) Oh Goodness Sash! She likes you! Look

I giggling as Angel walked up and nuzzled her head to my thigh. I scratched her under her chin and she gave me a big bark before licking my face. I saw a camera flash and noticed that Shay took a picture. Shay's younger brother pulled Angel back toward the house, waving at us. Shay's brother is so cute! He looks just like her! If I wasn't so wrapped up in Shay, I'd definitely be al, over him. We got into the truck and Shay gushed.

Shay: I've never seen Angel like that with someone she doesn't see daily. She's usually so shy!
Sam: (laughs) Yeah, she almost rips Matte apart every time she sees him
S: I love animals so much
Shay: Trust me! I know! I've seen you with Lady and Levi
S: I miss them! They went home with Hudson
Shay's: Well, you've made a new friend with Angel. I'm sure she'd love to see you any time
Sam: (coughs) Like her owner
Shay: What was that?
Sam: Oh nothing. Something got caught in my throat

We made small talk as we made our way to my house. As soon as we parked, Kenn ran out to the car to hug Shay. When she saw Sammy, they hugged and jumped around screaming and holding each other. Shay and I laughed as we walked behind them. My driver grabbed Shay's bags and I showed them to their rooms. I put Shay and Sammy in the guest bedrooms upstairs, down the hall from my room. Kenn had already called dibs on the basement bedroom which was decked out with a pool table and pinball machine.

After getting settled, I led everyone to the tv room. I lit the fireplace and got some snacks out of the kitchen. I also got two bottles of wine and poured us all a glass. Sammy went to the big leather rocking chair while Kenn laid out on a big blanket on the floor. Shay and I sat down on the sofa under a blanket that I had.

We talked and watched the movie until I noticed that Kenn had fallen asleep. Sammy decided to go lay in the bed hole dragging Kenn with her. It left Shay and I sitting together talking. She looked at me before looking down at her wine.

Shay: Sasha, about Hudson. I-
S: (slight laugh) I did say I would explain that
Shay's: I don't mean to pry, I just-
S: No! No, you're not prying. It'll probably do me good to talk about it all

I sighed before pouring another glass of wine.

S: I just don't know if I feel the same about him
Shay: (furrows brow) What do you mean?
S: For a whole, I was totally in love with him. He could do no wrong. If he did mess up, I'd practically forgive him instantly. But now, I just want more. I want to know what it's like to really be in love
Shay: And you can have that Sash. You're beautiful-
S: (snorts) I really don't feel like it (looks down)
Shay: (lifts her chin up) Sasha. I've told you this before. Several times. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Believe it

Once again, I got lost in her eyes. God. They have to be a sin somewhere. So soft and brown. I get lost in them. Before I know it, I lean forward and lightly kiss her lips. We pull apart and stare into each other's eyes some more. Before I realize what's going on, Shay's arms are around my waist, lifting me up into her lap. We kiss again lightly before I lay my forehead on hers. She nuzzles my check with her nose before kissing my neck. I release a loud moan before pulling back to look at Shay.

She bites her lip and it sets something off inside of me. I lean forward again and our lips smash together. This has to be heaven.

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