Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Social media is going crazy right now. Not only about the special, but at our mini PLL reunion. All the girls are going live and Sasha and I are going live on each other's Instagram. To give you a better perspective... I've got 13,000 mentions within the last two hours. God, I love the fans!

Sasha and I cuddled up on the big seat in the theater. I took a pain pill a few minutes ago and I pray that I don't fall asleep. I'm just so comfortable right now.

Sam: Here it is everybody!

Everybody got quiet as Sammy clicked on Sasha's website. When the special came on, Sasha snuggled closer to me.

S: (whispers in Shay's ear) Remember the night after we filmed this scene?

I looked at her, wide-eyed. Of course I remember this night. We ended up naked and sweaty in her sheets. I could honestly see the sexual tension in the scene.

Lucy: God! Why is this so sexy and all you guys are doing is decorating pine cones?
Sam: Hashtag Emison. Hashtag Sashay
Ash: I ship it all
Lucy: Me too! So sexxaaayyyy
Shay: (laughs) You guys are crazy

As we watched the special and laughed, I got this overwhelming feeling. I wanted to do something and I wanted to do it soon. The thought of making Sasha mine took over my mind and I realized we had wasted enough time. I can't wait anymore. I want to be official. I looked around, searching for someone to run my thoughts by. I know Sammy has my back no matter what. But I needed one of my friends on board. And who better than Ashley. I sent her a text, asking her to meet me in the backyard.

After making my escape outside, Ashley was waiting with a worried look on her face. She walked up to me quickly, looking around.

Ash: What's wrong? Are you okay?
Shay: Yeah, everything's fine. But I need your help
Ash: What's up?
Shay: I need you to do something for me since I'm pretty much stuck in the house like I'm on house arrest
Ash: Anything
Shay: I need you to help me plan a wedding
Ash: What the fuck? Whose getting married?
Shay: Hopefully... Sasha and I
Ash: (smirks) Wow. That ready huh Shannon?
Shay: This Shaycation is going to be the best one yet


I looked around for Shay. I didn't see her anywhere in the house. I walked into the kitchen and saw her and Ashley talking outside. I smiled and shook my head. Those two are always up to something. My mom walked into the kitchen behind me.

Z: I'm proud of you, you know
S: (turns around) Proud of me?
Z: Yes
S: (giggles) For what?
Z: Following your heart, going after what you love. Shay's an amazing woman. Nice choice
S: Thank you Mommy
Z: Babygirl, I can tell you're worried about something. Don't worry about how I know. I know you. But please, don't let that fear or uncertainty take you away from your destiny. Things weren't always easy for your father and I, but I love him and couldn't see myself with anyone else. Talk through your feelings. It'll get you far
S: Thanks Mommy

We hugged and I couldn't help but enjoy it. I've always felt safest in my parents arms and now... I get that same feeling from Shay. There's no doubt in my mind that life with Shay is going to be a blast.

Shay: Hey, hey! I want some love too!

My mom laughed and opened her arms for Shay. Ashley also crowded in on our hug. We laughed and poured more lemonade for everyone taking it back into the room.

Sam: So! "Sasha in Good Taste" is trending on Twitter. Sashay is also trending! And as of right now... Ken says you guys have over 3 million views on your website
Everybody: YEAH!!! Woooo!!!
Sam: now at 9 pm we will release Shay and Sasha's YouTube video
Lucy: Okay, y'all have been really tight-lipped about this one. What is it?
S: Let's just say... Emison fandom will flip their shit
Sam: Trust me! It's to die for!

The next hour went by quickly, everybody enjoying each other's company. I can't wait for everyone to see this! It's going to definitely put some fans out for the night. I decided to explain to everyone what they were about to see.

Shay: Attention everyone. As you know, Marlene and I have teamed up for several upcoming projects. I love her to death and her creativity is beyond comprehension. So, you all may have heard about "The Perfectionists" and many people have asked if I will be on the show. Well, we have a tease for you guys! Marlene actually helped direct this 10 second teaser. Check it out!

Watching everyone in the room go crazy really made my night. I'm sooo sleepy! But this is worth pushing through my sleepiness. The video is basically an inside look at Alison and Emily's family life with the twins. At the end... it's unveiled that I will definitely be on the show. I honestly think we took over Twitter and Instagram tonight. As everyone left and our families went to sleep, Sasha and I cuddled up and stared into each other's eyes. Life is so good.

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