Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Being back home is so therapeutic. I rubbed Foxy's back while she purred. I love her. Ashley is laying beside me, texting her life away. She and Ryan are back on again after stringing each other along. I smiled.

Ash: Sooo, where's the next Shaycation and how do I sign up?
Shay: (rolls eyes) You're always welcome
Ash: Uh Huh. I don't think Matte likes me
Shay: Who says he has to come? (Quirks eyebrow)
Ash: We should totally make it a girls trip
Shay: That would be amazing! I'd love to go it's Troi and too Luce!
Ash: And Sasha?
Shay: Yeaaahhj, about that...
Ash: Oh come on Shay. Maybe by then, you guys-
Shay: Mmmm. She'll probably be married by then

I really don't want to talk about Sasha. In fact, I don't want to think about much. I just want to have fun and relax.

Ash: Sooo, What are we doing tonight?
Shay: My high school friends invited us to a party
Ash: Cool shit! I fucking love your friends!
Shay: And they love you! (Laughs)
Ash: To ignite is going to be so lit!

A couple hours later, Ash and I hit the club where Sophia is throwing her party. We were dancing around in a circle, drinking from our cups. Ash and I were dancing all up on each other when we saw cameras flashing. We decided to be goofy and took several wild pics. We laughed as the photographer thanked us. I felt some arms wrap around my waist and I looked up to see Matte smiling down at me. He smelt really good and I was actually glad to see him. I turned around and buried my face in his neck as we hugged.

Matte: Hi beautiful
Shay: Hi! What are you doing here?!
Matte: Daphne saw me at an event and told me about Sophie's party. And I knew you would be here
Shay: (laughs) So hoe has your day been?
Matte: It was great but it's even better now
Ash: (dances over to us) Hey Matteo!
Matte: It's just Matte
Ash: Yeah, Whatever. Shay, I'm going to the bar with Maddie
Shay: Okay
Matte: (shakes head) You brought her home Huh?
Shay: Yes. She's been a really amazing friend
Matte: I bet (sips drink)
Shay: What's your deal with Ashley? What has she done to you?
Matte: Nothing really. She's just... interesting
Shay: (smiles) What are you drinking?
Matte: Your favorite (laughs) Here. Henny and coke

I took a sip of his drink and we went to a secluded part of the dance floor. I got on Snapchat and recorded a video of us. Then I got on Instagram and started filming. They were so cute! There was one of Matte holding me around the waist as we danced. He then leaned in to kiss my cheek and looked off.

After about 30 minutes, Ash walked over to me and snatched my hand. We went in the middle of the floor with all my friends and jumped around, having the time of our lives. This is exactly what I needed. Nothing like friends to help take your mind away from the heartache. We partied the night away and it was truly amazing. Exactly what my sad, broken heart needed.


I'm miserable and Gleb is starting to get frustrated with me. We've been practicing for almost four hours now and I can't seem to memorize the last part of my dance.

Gleb: Sasha, Sasha. Please
S: (sighs) I'm trying Gleb. It's so freaking hard
Gleb: Talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind
S: It's nothing
Gleb: It's not nothing. And until you get it off your mind, we'll be stuck in the same predicament. Tell me
S: (sigh) I fucked up with Shay
Gleb: (frowns) What do you mean?
S: You're going to think I'm a horrible person
Gleb: No, I'm not. I'm your friend. Talk to me
S: (sits with back on the wall) Shay and I, we've... been, exploring our attraction to each other
Gleb: Uh oh, Emisooonnnnn
S: (slight laugh) We've been, Uh exploring, for a few weeks now and we got caught a few days ago
Gleb: Yikes. But what happen? How did you fuck up?
S: (rubs face) We got caught by our managers and I may have over done it
Gleb: How
S: I denied her in front of them and made it seem like it was just a meaningless kiss between two coworkers. And may have insinuated it was nothing more than practice for the show
Gleb: Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk (grimaces)
S: I know. Now she won't answer any of my calls
Gleb: What made you do that?
S: (sigh) Gleb, you don't understand. My parents are, the perfect pair. And I. Their perfect, blonde hair, blue eyed daughter. The child star. They would probably die if they knew I. In love with another woman. They practically adore Hudson. And the fact that I cheated on him...
Gleb: Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure Hudson hasn't been totally innocent
S: (snorts) Understatement of the year. He's got a baby on the way
Gleb: You're pregnant?
S: (sarcastic smile) Nope, not me
Gleb: What a douche
S: (laughs) I never expected to hear that from you
Gleb: It's true. It seems like you need to let him go. Let him be a father
S: I know. I have no romantic feelings for him at all. I love him, but as a friend, nothing more
Gleb: And how do you feel about Shay?
S: (groans) I love her so much that it hurts. Her warm brown eyes, her smile, her laugh, her hair, her insanely gorgeous bod-
Gleb: (laughs) Okay, Okay. I get it. You love Shay. So what are you going to do to get her?
S: I don't know (closes eyes/leans head back) and I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out how
Gleb: Tell her the truth. Tell her how much you love her. Then show her
S: (sigh) My parents are going to disown me
Gleb: Don't think that way. They'll come around. Can you see yourself living the rest of your life without Shay?
S: God no!
Gleb: Do What makes you happy. But make sure you fix any other issues before you go to Shay. Until you are happy with yourself, you rub the risk of messing things up with your girl
S: (smiles at him) Thanks Gleb. You're amazing
Gleb: I know. Nor come on. We've got work to do! Up now!

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