Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*Three Weeks Later*

"And the couple going home tonight iiiisssssssss... Sasha and Gleb..."


I knew that this was always a possibility. But I'm devastated. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I laid my head on Gleb's shoulder as my tears fell. After the show, I just wanted to go home. But I know that we are expected to appear on Good Morning America tomorrow morning. Hudson and I aren't together but we haven't to,d anyone. We still act like a couple to avoid any bad press. Hence, why he's at my side right now.

I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the building. Hudson's been putting on this show like he's the perfect boyfriend. I just want to be alone right now. My phone has been ringing off the hook. First my parents, Marlene. Lucy. Kenn. Hudson's parents. Everybody checking up on me and wanting to wish me well. I'm hurt but I'm also happy for the experience.

Sine the show and me not eating much over my standing with Shay, I've lost 30 pounds and I'm toning up. That brought me joy but I wouldn't be truly happy until Shay looked at me and told me she loved me.

Hud: Sasha
S: Not now Hudson
Hud: (Sighs) Look. Becky wants me to go to the doctor with her
S: Cool. When do you leave?
Hud: Tonight
S: Have fun
Hud: Are you going to be okay?
S: I'll be fine

I went back to my hotel and watched Hudson pack. I honestly didn't want to do anything. I heard a knock on the door. I answered it and my parents were there.

S: Mommy. Daddy. Hi!
Sean: Princess (picks her up)
Zizi: My beautiful girl (hugs them both)
S: I missed you both so much
Zizi: Well why didn't you come see us? We always make time for you babygirl
S: (looks down/sniffs) I know
Sean: Awww baby. You were amazing!

Hudson walks out of the room and sees my parents. My mom gives him a smile while my dad gives him a pat on the back.

Sean: You leaving Hudson?
Hud: Uhh (rubs neck) Yes sir. I have to go home for a few
Sean: Ahhh, well. Have a nice trip son
Hud: Yes sir

My mom pulled me into a hug and I cried into her chest. There's something about my parents that just makes me break down and tell all my inner thoughts and feelings. I didn't want to face my mom so I buried my head deeper into her chest.

Zizi: Babygirl, I know you're hurting. But we are so proud of you
S: (sniffs) But I failed Mommy
Zizi: Nooooo. Babygirl, you didn't. Don't you understand what you've done for those living through your condition? You've shown them that even the prettiest and famous girl in the world is battling PCOS
Sean: Sasha, you're amazing. Not only have you shown people your struggle, you've also given them a glimpse of your fight. You've shown them your strength and hopefully, it rubs off on those with a similar story
S: (slight smile) Thank you
Zizi: There's That amazing smile I love

My parents and I decided to go out for dinner. We went to an Italian Restaurant in downtown NYC. It's my parents' favorite. We talked and laugh. It was just like old times. They made me feel so safe, loved and warm. The same way I felt with Shay. I closed my eyes and decided to get this off my chest.

Zizi: Sasha, are you okay sweetie?
S: Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you guys
Sean: What's going on babygirl? You know you can tell us anything
S: (deep breath) I'm not in love with Hudson. At least not anymore
Zizi: Oh thank God!
S: (snaps head around) What? Mom, you love Hudson
Zizi: He's a nice young man. But he's immature. Not what I want for my Little Princess
Sean: Yeah. We want you to be happy baby. It doesn't matter who you're with
S: I'm glad you say that Daddy, because... well. I am in love with someone else
Zizi: Oh? Who might that be sweetie?
S: (blushes) Shay

I closed my eyes waiting for my parents reaction, but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I expected them to be outraged. But I was shocked to see big smiles on their faces.

S: Wait, you're not mad?
Zizi: Why we would be mad?
Sean: Hell I called it! Awesome! (Air pump)
Zizi: What your dad means, we're happy for you
Zizi: You seem shocked...
S: Well, you guys never gave me any indication that you would be okay with something like this
Zizi: Well, to be honest, you never gave us a reason to expect something like this (raises eyebrow)
S: (smiles) Touché
Sean: Princess, we want you to be happy. We really don't care who you end up with, long as they treat you right. But I must say, Shay is an excellent choice
Zizi: Sweetie, no judgement here. But if you're in love with Shay, why was Hudson here?
S: (sighs) Long story
Sean: Good thing we've got time. (Lays across sofa/ smiles at her) Lay it on us
Zizi: Wait! Are we going to need wine
S: Actually Mom, that's not a bad idea. I need it


My mom and dad came to California two days ago. My dad's office forcing him to take some time off before his PTO capped off. They brought Gram too. We're sitting in the kitchen, eating the Bouda Bowls I just fixed. They were grilling me about my relationship with Matte.

Mark: Well sugar pie, how do you feel about him?
Shay: He's a really good guy. He's really sweet actually
Precious: Do you love him?
Shay: He treats me good, he's-
Gram: She didn't ask that. Do you love him?

I looked at my Gram and back down at my bowl. I feel stupid but my heart wants what it wants.

Shay: No. I love him but I'm not in love with him
Mark: Well sugar pie, I suggest you tell him that
Shay: Where is this coming from? Why all this talk about Matte

I watched as the three of them shared a look. It immediately made me suspicious. I looked between them, noticing their unease. I got anxious.

Shay: Okay, will one of you just spit it out?! You're making my skin crawl with your sketchiness
Precious: Sweetie, Matte came to see us. He asked us for your hand in marriage

That was NOT what I was expecting. I missed and choked on my food. My dad hopped up and patted my back. After I settled down, I leaned forward on my elbow.

Precious: Shay, you guys haven't talked about this yet?
Shay: God no! We haven't even talked about a possible future together
Gram: Well, he's definitely thinking about the future
Mark: So, is marrying him something you would want?
Shay: Honestly, no Dad. I-I- (puts head down) I'm in love with someone else
Gram: (throws up arms) No wonder she's an actress. Soap-opera!

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