Chapter Thirty

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Troian, Ian and I are in FaceTime, hoping to plan a PLL reunion. Troi says we can actually have it at her house. Which is good because her house is practically the meeting point between all of our houses. Janel and Lucy are still in Canada, but everyone else is pretty much home. Ian brought up Sasha.

Ian: Will Sasha be here?
T: Yeah, she should be. She has an appearance on GMA tomorrow morning and she's catching the fist flight
Ash: She did great. Marlene and I watched
Ian: Yeah she was awesome
Ash: We've got to do something for her
T: Guys, anybody spoken to Shay?
Ash: (frowns) A couple of days ago. Her parents and Gram are here visiting
Ian: Is it true?
Ash: Is what true?
Ian: Heard through the the grapevine that Matte is ready to propose
T: Wow. I haven't heard anything. I've always suspected... Sasha and Shay
Ian: What?! That's crazy, no way!
Ash: (mumbles) Oh Yes way!
T: Okay Ashley, spill!
Ash: What?! No, I know nothing!
Ian: I don't believe that. But you have to admit, it's kind of hot
Ash, T: Ewww Ian!
Ian: Hey, don't hate the messenger


Troian sent out a text earlier today about a mini reunion with the cast. It's actually really exciting. I can't wait to see everyone! I've been trying to keep my distance from Sasha but I did watch her on DWTS. She did amazing. I'm really proud seeing her open up and have fun.

The fans have been going extra crazy lately and I know one they get word of this reunion, they're going to lose their minds. I smiled as I thought about some of the people I've seen on my Twitter. It's hilarious to see all the people who consider themselves "Emison Trash."

Tonight, Matte and I are going to the Lakers vs Thunder game. We pulled up outside and the cameras began flashing like crazy. We walked in and sat in our seats.

M: Geez, the media goes nuts over you
Shay: You're part of the media... What's it like?
M: Oh, we can be relentless. I just thank God I'm not paparazzi
Shay: (laughs) I could see you doing that with you little camera
M: Ha Ha, no thanks. I'd rather tackle more serious issues and topics
Shay: Mmmmm
Fan: Hey Shay! Why aren't you comforting Sasha?!

I turn around and smile while waving, hopefully making them forget that question. Matte cut his eyes at me and shook his head. He asked if I wanted a drink and I told him to get me something fruity. I looked down at my phone and checked my mentions. I decided to snap a few videos. Matte came back and handed me my drink.

Shay: Thank you
M: No prob. Anymore fan questions?
Fan: Hey Shay! You know you could do so much better than him!
M: (sarcastic laugh) Wow, how classy
Shay: Just ignore it
M: You always tell me to ignore this shit. Like, I'm supposed to just sit here and let them run their fucking mouths
Shay: Matte, it's not that serious
M: Well, to me it is. I hate this shit

He was getting into one of his moods again so I opened up Instagram and shot a few funny videos with him. They always lightened the mood. Pretty soon we were back to laughing and joking. I couldn't wait to read about this on Twitter, The fan who kept yelling out shit, was going live. I had no doubt that I am the topic.


My parents and I ended up going to the movies after we ate. I missed spending time with them like this. As we walked out the theater, a couple of fans walked up wanting to take pictures. My parents took a few of the pictures. There was one shy girl who held back. She smiled at me and I couldn't help talking to her.

S: Hi, what's your name?
Fan: Sarah! Oh my God!
S: (laughs) Sarah, you're really quiet. How are you?
Sarah: Oh my God! I can't believe this is happening!
S: (giggles) So cute!
Sarah: My friends would kill me if I didn't ask you this...
S: (nods knowingly) Sure. Ask me anything
Sarah: Is there a possibility for Sashay in real life?
S: (nervous laugh) Well Yeah, we'll always be friends
Sarah: (screams) Oh my God! I have to tweet this!

I didn't realize that she probably didn't hear the last part of my statement. I sighed before squaring my shoulders. Whatever. After the talk with my parents, I'm not as hesitant or scared to own up to my truth anymore. I, Sasha Pieterse, am in love... with another woman. In love with Shannon Mitchell.

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