Chapter Seven

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I left the gym, feeling amazing. Matte joined me for the session and I'm headed to New York tonight to film some of the final scenes of my new show "You." I can't wait to introduce Peach to my fans! I'm headed home to relax a little before my flight. Matte is talking about something with my trainer while I freshen up. I threw my bag over my shoulder and prepared to walk out.

M: (wraps arm around her shoulder) Feeling Good?
Shay: Oh Yeah. Nothing like a good workout
M: So, I'm free to go to New York. But I can only stay a day
Shay: That's fine. Sammy will be there with me
M: Cool. What time are we leaving?
Shay: At 2. So I'm going to go home and take a nap
M: A nap? What do you need a nap for?
Shay: Revitalize. Rejuvenate
M: Pish posh. You can sleep when your dead. (Laughs) Have you even packed?
Shay: Sammy packed last night
M: What would you do without her?
Shay: Right! She's my life saver (laughs)

We head to my house. When we get there, Matte takes a shower and heads to his brother's house. I fix a bowl of fruit and grab my popcorn chips and lie across my bed. I scroll the social media and decide to answer a few fans. I put my head on the pillow and slowly doze off.

When I wake up, Sammy already has my bags in the car and has laid out my outfit. I take a quick shower and get dressed, meeting her in the car. We get to the airport and Matte meets us at the gate. We go through check out and finally get seated on the plane.

I scroll through my feed again and see all these pictures of Sash and I. I miss her. I can't wait for our time together in a couple of weeks. Her aura and sense of humor always puts me in a good place. I decided to text her.

Shay *I miss u*
S *Awww, I miss u 2! Wyd*
Shay *On a plane. Headed to NY*
S *Oh wow! I'm here 2!*
Shay *Oh Yeah! R u excited about the show?*
S *Yes! It's so exhilarating*
Shay *I'll be routing for u!*
S * ;-* *

Matte leaned his head on my shoulder and I leaned over to give him a kiss. It was nothing like kissing Sasha, which I actually loved. Her lips were always soft and firm and tasted of vanilla and the spearmint gum she loved to chew. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

There was no way that Sasha could want me. I mean, she and Hudson have been together forever. Surely, being with me is the last thing on her mind. Sammy smiled at me before twisting round in her seat. At this point, Matte has fallen asleep.

Sam: Soooo?
Shay: (laughs) What's going on Sam?
Sam: You tell me. I was sorta hopping that you and Sasha would come to your senses by now

I looked down to make sure Matte was still sleep. He was knocked out.

Shay: There's nothing really going on
Sam: Yeah, no shit! So, what are you going to do to change that?
Shay: (snorts) Sammy, really? She's engaged and I mean (points at Matte)
Sam: Yeah, but you and I both know, it's not what you want. I see it when I look at you together
Shay: (shakes head) I refuse to do anything to break up what she's building with Hudson. I have no choice but to move on
Sam: Don't you want her happiness?
Shay: She's happy already Sammy! She loves him
Sam: Ugh! Whatever! I'm still Team #Sashay

I laughed and shook my head. I tore my pillow at her and she caught it, laughing and winked at me. She put the pillow behind her head and turned her attention to her laptop. I looked down at Matte and noticed he was still sleep. I sighed and leaned my head back. I closed my eyes and images of Sasha appeared in my mind.

I scrolled through my Instagram and noticed that Sasha was going live. Her and Gleb were doing a fan Q&A and there were a lot of questions about her and I. Gleb actually brought up the question about if I would be in the New sequel. Marlene had finally made an official announcement on Twitter about "The Perfectionist."

S: Who says she's not going to be in the sequel?
G: It was just asked by a fan
S: I know. I'm just answering. No one said she wouldn't be in the show
G: Okay. Cool. So Emison lives
S: (laughs) Everything is possible at this point! (Laughs)

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