Chapter Forty

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It's the day of my appointment. I'm so nervous. Shay was adamant about going with me so she wouldn't let up about going with me. She squeezed my hand as she noticed my nervousness.

Shay: It's okay Sash. We'll have the future we want. No matter what

I smiled and squeezed her hand back. Other than the obvious difference between Shay and Hudson, this was another thing that she excelled at compared to anyone else I've dated. Her support and selflessness constantly leaves me speechless. It's honestly so refreshing to be n love like this.

Shay: We're here. Are you ready?
S: Yes. I love you (smiles nervously)
Shay: I love you more. Come on beautiful

We walked hand-in-hand inside the doctors office. To be sure that we wouldn't run into any fans during this time, the doctor opened an hour early to see me and we parked in the doctor's parking lot.

Doctor Williamson: Good morning ladies. How are you?
S: We're fine Dr. Williamson. How are you?
Dr. Williamson: Well, with the news I have for you, delightful
Shay: I take it that means it's good news then? (Squeezes Sasha's hand and smiles)
Dr. W: Right this way ladies

He led us into his office and I sat down with a deep breath. Shay wrapped her arms around me. The doctor looked at us and smiled.

Dr. W: Well, the last time you were here, Hudson was apart of your life and since I'm big fans of you both, I already know the story. But I just want to be sure, would it be you two seeking children?
S: Yes sir. If it's in our cards, Shay and I will be the ones looking to have babies (blushes)
Dr. W: Well, Shay, If you'd like, we could do another round of testing on your part. But Sasha, the good news is that you are fully capable and able to have children
S: (taking it in) But the last time... Dr. Smith...
Dr. W: (nods) Yes, Dr. Smith told you that you may not be able to carry children. His practices were a little shady which explains why he is no longer with us. But... you are able to carry. It was Hudson who was unable. He is the one with the problem
Shay: (clears throat) So, when we pursue children, Sasha will be able to have them?
Dr. W: Yes, she's fully capable and able to carry full term
S: (wipes eyes) Thank you do much Dr. Williamson...

We finished up the appointment with Shay making one herself to make sure she is able to have children too. I'm so relieved and excited about the future that I can't stop the happy tears. When we got into the car, Shay wrapped her arms around me.

Shay: See, you were worried about nothing. You're amazing
S: (laughs) I'm so happy
Shay: So, granted that my test come back good too... let's say... you carry 4 and I carry two?
S: (laughs again) You want that many?!
Shay: I want to fill up our future house with our future kids... blonde hair and blue eyes!
S: Well, up yours by two. Because I want the same amount of brown hair and brown eyes running around
Shay: (giggles) Deal. Long as we can go about making them the fun way
S: And What way is that?
Shay: Well, I read somewhere that we can get a fake penis, fill it with the donor sperm, and well, make them the tradition way (raises eyebrows)
S: (hysterical laughing) Where the hell did you read that?
Shay: Don't worry about it. When we come back for my appointment, we'll seek out the answers and we can get started
S: You're such a freak babe
Shay: But you love it!

We went out to lunch and had a good time walking around a few of my favorite shops. Of course paparazzi were out and about but we didn't let that affect us. It was just the two of us in our own world.


Ashley texted me about my plan. I decided to include everybody else in the plan. Even our families would be there. I just hope that she's ready. It would really tear me apart if she doesn't want to do this.

Ash: So, I got the 💍 u wanted
Shay: Let me 👀
Ash: (sends pic) The jeweler is even customizing the 💎 to the color of Sasha's eyes
Shay: Amazing! Thank u so much
Ash: 😉 What are maids of honor for?

I nervously looked up as Sasha grabbed my hand. She smiled at me and asked if I was okay. It's been a long day and I am kind of tired. I guess she noticed because she agreed to drive back.

When we got to my house, I laid in my favorite spot in the living room. Sasha gave me the pain pills and I grabbed her around the waist, hugging her to me. She straddled my thighs smiling down at me and in my haze, I guess I couldn't wait anymore.

Shay: (whispers) Marry me
S: (pauses/shocked) What?!
Shay: Marry me
S: Baby (laughs) I know it's the pills (lays her down) Get some sleep
Shay: (pouts sleepily) But you never answered me
S: (giggles) Of course I'm going to marry you. You're stuck with me now (kisses her)

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