Chapter Forty-Four

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She came. I knew she would look amazing in her dress. We locked eyes and she smiled at me. I smiled back and in that moment I knew. As long as she smiled at me, everything would be alright. There's nothing I can't do with a Her by my side. This is what life is supposed to be like.

Kenn, Dani, Lucy, Vanessa and Mel all got up to walk before Sasha down the aisle. She and her dad then made their way to me. By my side stood Sammy, Ashley,Tracy and Cait. When they finally made it to me, her dad leaned down to kiss her cheek. He then beamed at me as I stepped forward and he placed her hand in mine. I helped guide her onto the platform. She stared into my eyes before smiling and shaking her head.

S: You're full of surprises
Shay: (smiling) That's how you keep it fresh (winks)
S: You never disappoint me
Shay: (kisses her hand) And I pray that I never do

Lucy stepped onto the platform in her robe and smiled at us. Just as she was getting situated, a light drizzle began. I looked up st the sky in shock. I thought it was supposed to be sunny. Which strangely, it was. And as we looked into the sky, a rainbow formed right over the top of the platform. It was beautiful. Sasha grinned at me.

S: You know, they say when it rains at a wedding, it's meant to last
Shay: Then thank God for his blessings. (Looking her dead in the eyes) Both of them

Lucy kicked off everything quickly while the weather was still holding it together. She gave a wonderful speech and then asked if anyone objected. No one said a word so we proceeded to do our vows.

S: Well, since I wasn't expected this, mine isn't prepared (everyone chuckles) But I know what I feel. In fact, my heart has a speech of its own, prepared whenever for you. I have to start off by thanking Marlene and Sara for creating Pretty Little Liars. I'd like to think that we'd eventually found our way together. But I know it wouldn't have happened as smoothly without this show. It introduced us and brought us together. All five of us. I'm so thankful. I found my sisters and my soulmate on one set. It's been a ride. And I'm thankful for it all. The ups and downs because through it all, there was you Shay. Shannon, I never want to imagine a life without you. Better yet, I don't even want to think about it. So, from this day forward, I promise to put it all on the line for you. If your sick, I'll take care of you. If you're hurting, I'll do whatever I can to make it better. If your happy, then I'll be happy too. Whatever your state, I'll be right by your side as your wife, your baby mamma, your life partner. I love you

Shay: (sniffs/laughs) I'm messing up my make up (everyone laughs/Mark passes her his handkerchief) Thanks Dad. Sash, I'm so deep in love with you that the possibility of never not being in love with you is impossible. In the time that we've known each other, I've fell in love with you so many times that I've lost count. And that's okay. Because who really wants to remember falling? (Crowd laughs) But I promise you that I wouldn't change a thing. I promise to always keep you on your toes and I pray that you never get tired of my spontaneous adventures. Because, let's be honest, I plan to take you on a lot. I will never give up on you, on us. I love you back, so much.

Lucy: That was beautiful ladies. Now, may we have the rings?

Keegan stepped forward and presented both of our rings. They were matching wedding bands and rings with our initials engraved on the inside.

Lucy: Now, by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride!

We chuckled as we kissed each other on the lips. We smiled at each other as every clapped and whistled.

Lucy: I now present to you, the Mitchells!!!

This feeling. I can't get over it. It's probably the best I've felt in a really long time. We held hands as we walked to the reception area set up under a beautifully designed tent. It was still sprinkling but just a light drizzle. It felt sort of like mist. I smiled as I thought about the reality of my life.

S: What are you thinking?
Shay: That this is the best day of my life
S: (grins) Mine too

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