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When Rosie Lupin was 11 years old, she got her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, and sto say the least, she was happy. She had heard of Hogwarts from her father's stories of the "glory days" as he liked to call it. Hogwarts had been the highlight of his life, and she could not wait to make it the highlight of her. 

Rosie grew up in a family of 2. Herself and her father, Remus Lupin. It was simple that way. She didn't have much exposure to the world in her early days, not until Molly Weasley pranced her way into Rosie's life, and put her foot down. Molly made sure that she had plenty of exposure to children, so she invited Rosie into her house. While Remus was at work, she would stay with the Weasley's and it worked out perfect. She became like another sibling to them all, just without the red hair.

When Remus would have one of his "spells" as he called it, Rosie would stay at the Weasley's for a night. Remus tried his absolute best to hide his condition from Rosie, but when she was 10 years old, she looked out her window and saw him running into the woods and transform. It had been quite a shock to her, but it didn't make that much of a difference towards the way she felt towards her father. She still loved him, he was her father and that was that. 

Rosie had grown up hearing about Hogwarts through Remus, and from the Weasley children. Rosie went through a stage where all she wanted to hear was anything and everything about Hogwarts. She especially loved it when her father would tell her stories from his days in Hogwarts when him and his friends got into mischief. 

Remus told Rosie early on about Harry Potter and who he was and what had happened to him. It was quite the horrific story, and Rosie always felt bad for the poor boy. The way that his parents died was terrible, and no parents should ever have to die, especially that way. 

"Look for the lightning bolt," Remus had told her, "That is how you will know that it is indeed Harry Potter." 


On one early morning, when the sun was out, Rosie ran and jumped on her Father's bed. It was the day that Rosie would go to Hogwarts.

"Dad! Dad!" She yelled at him, "It's today!"

Remus opened his eyes and rubbed them, "It's only 6:30 in the morning." 

"Yes!" Rosie pertested, "We will be running late if you don't hurry up!" 

She began to try and yank him out of the bed, he shook his head "You forget that I have wolf blood in me sometimes."

Remus got up and was led to the kitchen where he began to make eggs. Remus was good at making eggs.

"What house do you think I will get in?" Rosie asked, eyes wide, looking at her father. 

"Well you are ambitious, but yet again smart, and quite brave," He looked at her, "I genuinely have no idea." 

He handed her the eggs and they had a good breakfast, with some laughter and good talk. It would be the last breakfast for a while. After all of the dishes were in the sink, they began to get ready to go to the Weasley's house. They were going to be meeting up with the Wealsey's before heading to Kings Cross Station. 

Rosie handed Remus 1 trunk of luggage while she held the other trunk, and they apparated to the burrow. Rosie was greeted by the twins who started to play hide and seek around her trunk. Remus laughed at the two boys and ventured into the burrow to find Arthur and Molly. 

"My trunks aren't supposed to be used like that, you know," Rosie told the boys, who looked at her with an evil gleam in their eyes. That could not be good. 

She took as step back, "Fred... George, don't you dare...."

Fred took on a grin and said, "You will have to run to get away from us."

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