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Harry left for the MInistry early in the morning, and it was before 6 o'clock. Rosie tried to be the supportive friend that she was and get up early to wish him luck. But, that did not end up happening as the lure of sleep reeled her in once again. By the time she woke up, it was well near 10 o'clock in the morning. She felt regret for not being able to be there for him to wish him good luck, but there was nothing she could do at that moment. 

Rosie got out of bed, and to the right, she saw Ginny Weasley sprawled across her own bed, arms flaring out, legs in different directions and drool dripping out of her mouth. And to her left, there was no arms flaring or any presence of drool. Instead, a neatly made bed with the pillows in perfect array, and no human sprawled against them. Hermione must have been in the living room, or something. 

So, of course, she checked. Hermione was in fact, on a couch, reading her book. But then again, where else would you have expected her to be. 

"Good morning," Hermione said, looking up from her book, and sending a smile Rosie's way. 

"'morning," Rosie replied, taking the spot next to Hermione, "So, what's this book about?"

A genuine smile appeared on Hermione's face, "The effect of Amos Rampton's potion on Troll behavioral instincts! Now tell me that isn't absolutely fascinating!" 

"So very fascinating," Rosie said sarcastically with an eye-roll. 

Obviously, Hermione didn't get the sense that her comment was sarcastic because she began to explain what she really loved about the book. And Indeed, that was a lot of things. This conversation took around half an hour to get out of. It was a lesson that you should never be sarcastic around Hermione. Especially about books. 


As Rosie hopped out of the shower, she took a deep breath out. After a late brunch, Rosie felt the need to rid herself of a smell. Fred had squirted some Apple Juice in her hair as a 'joke.' It wasn't that funny to her as her hair smelt fruity. And, it was not the good kind of fruity. 

Rosie stood in the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her and looked in the mirror to her crazy black curly hair. It was unruly. Her hair got this way when it was wet, and it became so hard to contain. She wished that she had something she could do to it, perhaps a wand to make it dry, or one of those muggle things: hair blower? Hair softener? She didn't know what to call it, but Hermione had mentioned it one time when her hair was wet and they weren't at school. 

Rosie got changed into a pair of pure black leggings and a blue sweatshirt and walked out of the bathroom that was attached to the room she shared with the girls. Ginny was sitting on her bed, brushing her hair. 

"oh wow," Ginny grimaced, "Crazy hair?"

Rosie let out a chuckle, "It gets like this when it's wet. I find it best to just let it dry."

"Here, come over and I can plait it for you," Ginny said motioning her way. Rosie sat down in front of her, on the floor and let Ginny have her way with her hair. It was actually soothing how Ginny plaited her hair. She didn't grab her hair hard or redo it at any stage. She had a way with her hands. It was so relaxing for Rosie and it put her in a serenity that allowed her to forget the trial that was going on as she sat there. 

"So, why exactly did you wash your hair?" Ginny asked, her hands doing wonders to her hair. 

"Well, your brother decided to squirt some Apple Juice in my hair," Rosie sighed,

"Which brother?" Ginny asked, which resulted in a small burst of laughter from both sides. 

"You have so many," Rosie smiled, "It was Fred."

Ginny released her hands on Rosie's hair, "All done." 

Rosie turned around to face the red-headed girl, "Thanks Gin, my hair can get quite wild." 

Ginny smiled at her friend, "It's no problem. Plus, now, you can look pretty for Harry." 

"What?" Rosie asked, quite skeptical, and then saw the look of laughter on Ginny's face. It had been meant as a joke, "Oh shut up Ginny!" 

Ginny smiled back. Rosie didn't know how much it took for Ginny to say that to Rosie. She wouldn't know for a long time. 


Rosie sat on her bed, her journal open, ink + pen ready for use. At first, she didn't know what to write, but then she knew what to write, and this what she wrote down: 

Dear Journal, 

Hi. I know it's been a long time. I just haven't had the motivation to write about anything. But, now I have the motivation. 

I have feelings. Of course, everyone has feelings. I just feel guilty. Extremely guilty. I'm supposed to be Harry's best friend, his confidant, his person. I'm supposed to be there for him. Being the boy who lived is hard for him. 

I just don't know what to do with him. Sometimes, I don't know what to tell him. Ever since what happened in June, I don't know how to help him. And no, I don't mean the kiss. I mean Cedric's death. I don't know what to say, or what to do. I don't know how to help him. 

And I really, really want to help him. It's him. It's Harry. It's Harry, for Merlin's sake. I care so much for him. I don't know what that feeling is, but when he's hurting. I'm hurting. So intensely. So intensely that it drives me mad. He is Harry. He's just...my Harry. The boy who was so innocent the first time I saw him. He's not so innocent anymore. He's damaged now. 

What do I do?

Rosie looked up at the doorway, and there stood Harry, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Hey," he said, and Rosie jumped off the bed, her journal closing in the process. She rushed and gathered him in a hug. 

"You're here!" She exclaimed, relief rushing upon her. The outcome would be good, right? 

He separated from her, "I'm free, clear of charges." 

Rosie smiled from ear-to-ear, "Oh, I'm glad. I'm really glad. Hogwarts just would be the same without you, Harry Potter." 

He scoffed jokingly at the use of his full name, "Really, Need to use my full name?" 

"It was for dramatic effect," Rosie replied, a wide smile on her face. 

"Oh you," He said, laughing. 

They exited the room and joined the others downstairs, hands along each other's shoulders in a friendly manner. Rosie was so incredibly happy by the outcome of the trial. She didn't need to know the details, she was just so relieved that he was okay. 

The kiss was furthest from their minds at this moment, and because of that, it wouldn't be talked about until much, much later when it was almost too late. 

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