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"It's the same with Heather," Rosie said, referencing her dormate, "Hermione and I tried to explain to her that the Daily Prophet was just spreading lies about the whole situatioin, but she didn't believe a word we said. According to her, the Daily Prophet is a 'reliable source of news.'"

Harry lowered his head in what seemed like almost defeat, "This is going to be a problem, isn't it?"

Harry, with the help of Ron, proceeded to tell the story about his evening in the boys dormitory. The situation with Seamus had esculated between other members of their dorm. It seemed that Dean was mostly neutral. His parents were muggle and he didn't dare tell them about it. Neville was on Harry's side, as was his grandmother. Harry was relieved to have a friend on his side, but it didn't help all that much when the multitude of students coming up to him to call him out on spreading false information concerning Voldemort's supposed return.

Harry's eyes looked up from the floor, which he had been intensely staring at, he looked around at his three friends, each one in a similar depressed-looking position. But his attnetion was placed elsewhere when he heard his name being called from across the Great Hall. 

"Oy!" Angelina yelled at the four, " Rosie! Harry! I'm taking over from Oliver Wood. Tryouts are Friday to find a new replacement for Oliver, but you two be there."

"Definitely," Rosie responded.

Harry nodded, "I'll be there."

Angelina nodded at them, giving a quick goodbye as she spotted some other players.

Rosie, Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts. This was the class that the new professor, the one from the ministry, was taking over. It was due to be an interesting class.

Rosie took a seat next to Harry, and Hermione did the same to Ron the row over. Draco and his friends began to use small airplanes to throw at everyone, using magic. At one point, Harry yelled at him. But, Professor Umbridge stopped the plane in its tracks, using her wand to throw it into a billion little sparks. "Now, let's not get started badly. Everyone take their seats. Wands away."

Rosie looked to her side in amusement, no wands in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry seemed to share the same amusement. They said no word, though. Their question would be answered soon enough. 

"Now this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented," Umbridge said, standing in front of the class, her hands in one place in white, prissy gloves. She looked as if she was to meet the muggle queen for high tea, "With the teachers you've had. The quiverring Quirrel, the mad author, the half-breed, now that was an interesting one-"

"Hey!" Rosie said, standing up in her spot, "That's my father you're talking about."

Umbridge nodded her head, "Indeed it is, your father, the unregistered Lycanthropic. Rosemary Lupin, is it not?"

Rosie nodded her head.

"I suggest you sit down and listen to me talk, are you understood? "Umbridge asked in a sweet, calming manner, despite the harm her words were bringing. 

"You can't go talking about my father like that!" She said, her fists griping at her sides.

"Miss Lupin, sit down now. This is only a warning. Next time is detention." She said, her lips forming in a firm line, seeing if she would react to her threat or not. 

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