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Harry and the gang were at the breakfast table. Rosie was coughing and sneezing as the task had given her a terrible, nasely cold. Her stomach didn't quite feel so well either. 

To top it off, Harry would not stop apologizing because he believed that it was his fault, of course, it was not, but Harry believed what Harry believed. 

"It's not your fault!" Rosie exclaimed as Harry tried to convince her it is, "Stop saying that, really I m-" 

She couldn't finish her sentence, as she ran out of the Great Hall to the bathroom where she threw up in one of the toilets. Hermione came rushing in and held up her hair behind her head. 

After she had finished her little episode, she sat beside the toilet after it flushed, hands on her head. Hermione sat beside her, and said, "Rosie, you should really see Madam Pomphrey.You don't sound good. Or look good, and I am betting that you feel awful after that episode. Just go into Madam Pomphrey, she'll have you fixed by the end of the day." 

Rosie shook her head, "I've got classes."  

Hermione sighed, "Well this is me putting my foot down because you just threw up, so we are heading to Madam Pomphrey's." 

Rosie tried to get up from her place on the ground but looked a little disorientated. Hermione helped herself up. Rosie grabbed ahold of Hermione's arm, and off they went. At a slow pace. 

On the way to the Hospital Wing, Rosie tried to talk to Hermione but was losing her strength easily. So, Hermione told her to save her strength for the walking portion of the activity, and instead talked for her so that Rosie could listen. 

She told Rosie the story of how she and Viktor first met officially. Now, Viktor always had a posse of girls following him, and they were constantly watching him exercise and do everything that he did. 

Hermione wasn't like those girls pending to his every request, rather she kept to her own. But, after the tournament was introduced, she found that when she was reading or studying anywhere other than the common room, Viktor would just show up. At first, she thought it was coincidence, but when it became more regular, she knew that she was not making it up or misreading the situation. Usually, in these visits, his posse of girls would follow him. But once in a blue moon, he would be alone and come up to her. 

It took a while for him to say anything to her, which she realized. She knew that he wasn't cocky or just wanting someone to shack with by the way he acted when first coming up to her.  But, he eventually did come up to her, asking her what she thought about brooms. He had nothing else to say and that was what came out of his mouth. Hermione actually let out a laugh when he said that and told him that she thought brooms were a good use for travel and for sports like Quidditch. After this was when the romance bloomed between the two and they began to hang out with one another. Viktor always had to sneak around, not to let his posse of needy girls follow him so he could spend alone time with her. Usually, they didn't talk, but instead, he watched her read. She thought it was weird at first, but then it became usual for both of them. 

Before Hermine could continue on with her story, Rosie found herself in the hospital wing, " Hi." 

Rosie caught Madam Pomphrey's attention with just that word, and she came hustling over, "Oh my, she doesn't look good. Dear, do me a favor and get her into that bed over there, I'm going to get her some medicine. Cold? From the second task, correct? I'm guessing stomach flu too by the look on her face." 

Hermine nodded her head, and Madam Pomphrey turned around and headed for her cabinet while Rosie was helped onto the bed. She made no act of retaliation, but she was also not full of energy. 

Madam Pomphrey swiftly returned after Hermione had helped Rosie onto the bed, first the healer handed to Hermione a vial, "Drink this, it'll prevent you from getting what Miss Lupin here has. Thank you for helping her, she will probably be here for most of the day, if not the night, so don't worry about her, you can come and visit after lunch if you really want to." 

Hermione thanked Madam Pomphrey before heading off to her next class. As soon as she left, the healer pulled a chair close to the girl's bed, "Now, now, if only you had come to me earlier, then you wouldn't be so sick right now. You kids always want to do everything but come and see me." 

She held out a vial and urged Rosie to drink it. She did easily and then slipped into a deep, peaceful slumber. One that she did not wake up from until 24 hours later. 

Hermione, Rosie, and Harry came and checked up on her between their classes, just to find her sleeping each time. After their classes had finished for the day, they came and sat around with her, waiting for her to wake up. 

Before curfew, they headed back, seeing that she would spend the night. They came back early the following morning. They sat for an hour before they saw Rosie tossing and turning in her bed. Harry was the first to notice, "Rosie- are  you- hey, guys, she's waking up."

Rosie opened her eyes to see the sight of her three best friends in the entire world gathered around her bed. It was Harry on her left side and Ron & Hermione on the other. 

 "You're awake." They all said in unison. 

"Yeah," She said, "So it seems like I wasn't that sick after all."

Hermione snickered, "Oh, you were that sick. You have been asleep for a full day. You threw up in the bathroom, which you never do, and you haven't been talking in your sleep at all, which is something that you have always done. I mean always, and may I say again for impact, you slept a whole day." 

Rosie looked at the three in bewilderment, "I remember yelling at Harry, that's it. Wow, I really must have been out of it." 

"Oh, yes. You were." 

Okay, Crappy Chapter, I know, this is mainly a filler chapter, so you didn't really need to read it. It is currently 1:28 in the morning and I have to get up in 7 1/2 hours, so I am going to bid my farewell here. 

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