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Rosie lay awake that night, her eyes wide open. The single thing she thought in her head was what just happened?

After Harry had run away from her, she had tried to go and look for him. She searched up and down the hallways and he wasn't there. She made her way to the common room and no avail. He was nowhere to be seen. So, Rosie made her way to her dorm and changed into a large t-shirt and tight shorts and climbed into bed. She couldn't remove the smile from her face. But, despite the smile, she was so confused. 

Classes and exams had ended on the morning of the third task. It was the last day at school for Beauxbatons and Durmstrung. They would leave in the morning, before the Hogwarts Alumni which left in the afternoon.

Rosie walked alongside Hermione as she had decided to join her to say goodbye to Viktor. Rosie would admit it, they were very sweet together. They were a very cute couple. They would have been the cutest couple if it weren't for the fact they were three-and-a-half years apart. That part was the downer on the relationship. If it weren't for that quirk, Rosie would have been their biggest supporter.

"Bye Her-mi-one," he said as he gave her a big, exaggerating all of the syllables out of proportion.

With a brave smile planted on her face, Hermione responded, "Bye Viktor." On the outside, she looked like everything was fine with him leaving, but Rosie knew her better than that. Hermione was hurting that he was leaving. She was a smart girl, she knew that there was a very small possibility that they would see each other soon,  but yet she still had a smile on her face to say goodbye. 

Hermione pointed a teasing finger on Viktor's chest, "Don't you dare forget to write to me." 

"I won't forget, don't worry," and with a final goodbye of a hug, he was off. He joined his friends who were yelling and jumping around, as usual, as Hermione watched him leave. After a few seconds of pure silence, Hermione sighed, "I'm sure going to miss him. 

Rosie put a hand on Hermione's, grabbing it as a sign of comfort, to show her support to her best friend. Hermione shook her head and looked away. They both spotted Harry and Ron in the distance. The boys came up, and Harry took Rosie to the side while Ron and Hermione talked amongst themselves. Of course, it was not long until it became an argument, but that's how things were between Ron and Hermione. They were always like that, and even when they were grey and old, they could still bicker proficiently. 

"Hey, Harry," Rosie said. 

"Hi Rose," He said, that nickname made butterflies fly in her stomach, "Listen, about last night... I-"

"I just... I don't understand Harry, the last thing I knew you were madly in love with Cho," Rosie said, staring into Harry's eyes, trying to read the clouds that seemed to form in front of them, but she couldn't. She didn't know what he was feeling. The famous saying,  Eyes are the windows to the Soul seemed farthest from the truth at that moment. 

"I do real- I did really like her, " he averted her eyes, trying to avoid them while saying all of this, "I don't know Rosie, I don't know what all of this is." 

She rested a hand on his arm, and put two fingers under his jaw, lifting it so his eyes couldn't avert her gaze, " Neither do I, Harry, neither do I. I don't know what is going on." 

"I have a way for us... to figure out what this all means," Harry suggested, exhaling a breath that he had been holding in. 

Rosie stayed quiet, Harry guessed that as a free passage to speak, "I say that we take this summer and we think. We figure things out for ourselves and then we see where it goes from there? I just want us to stay as close as we are now." 

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