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The Yule ball was just a few nights away. Most of the students who were eligible to go had gotten their dates already. Rosie was content with who she was going with. Sure, he was not the hottest guy in the Wizarding world, but Seamus was alright. He was a good friend, she knew him and he was an alright guy. For all that she knew, there was no guarantee that he wasn't going to show up for the Yule Ball in a big red hat, but at least she had a date. Others weren't so lucky. 

Hermione recently had become absorbed with the idea of the ball. She could not shut up about it. She had her mother send her all of her dresses, and her mother had also gotten her a few for the "special occasion." 

Hermione spread five dresses on her bed and was asking Rosie which one she should use. Rosie was sitting on her bed trying to write her father a letter. The key word here was trying. 

"Well, I am sort of leaning towards the red one," She said as she lay them on her bed, "But I'm not entirely sure." 

Rosie looked down at her letter that she was trying to write to her father. She stared at her letter, the only words that had been written down were Dear Dad. 

She didn't know how to start telling her dad things. Where would she start?  She yearned to talk to him but she couldn't. She didn't even know what she wanted to talk to him about but she wanted to talk about something, anything.  She didn't care the topic. 

Hermione continued to ramble about the Ball, but Rosie couldn't take her eyes off the letter to her father. She didn't know where to start, so she began at the most common thing; the Yule Ball. She might as well tell her father about that. 


After Charms class, Rosie and Hermione were walking together down the hallway. It had been a standard class, Fitwick had revised spells with the class. That was not out of the ordinary. 

They walked in silence, well at least Rosie did as Hermione was talking about the "easiness of the lesson" and how "we should be learning more advanced things." 

Rosie felt a hand touch her shoulder, so she immediately turned around, as it was her instinct to do so. It was Seamus. 

"Hey Rosie!" he exclaimed. Rosie turned to Hermione who winked at the girl and carried on walking. 

"Hi Seamus," She responded with a hint of a smile, "What's up?"

"Not much," He scratched the back of his head and his gaze avoided hers, "Um... where do you want to meet up?" 


"For the Yule Ball," He replied, playing with his hands as his eyes flickered from Rosie's gaze to the floor, "Y'know.. the one you and I are going together...."

"Oh, yeah, I know the one," Rosie responded, "Umm... What about the common room, uh twenty minutes before it starts? We could walk to the ball together."

Seamus nodded, "Sounds like a darn good plan."

Rosie nodded and awkwardly smiled at him, "Well- uh- that's good."

All of a sudden Rosie felt weird around Seamus, a feeling she hadn't felt before. Seamus was always her friend, a good mate, but now he was acting strange, shy around her, not his usual out-of-the-ordinary self. Rosie tried to keep her bubbly self, just as usual. 

"So, Rosie, I've got to go and catch up with my mates, " He said. 

She shrugged her shoulders, "Oh sure. I'll see you around then?"

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