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In Rosie's fourth year of school, many things had transpired, like Seamus admitting his love for her, and most of all the tournament. And that was the prime focus of the later days in the year. There was nothing standing in her way or hindering it in any way.

At least, that was true until the eventful evening of May 27, 1995. This day she would always remember as the day an unspeakable tragedy was discovered.

Harry was out with Viktor Krum and they were walking about the grounds when they ran into the minister of Magic himself, Barty Crouch. He was walking and talking like a madman. Harry later explained how the minister was yelling in the air, to no one in particular, and yet at the same time, he was yelling at everyone.  He was dancing around and did not look like he was in his right mind. Not by a long shot.

Harry did the thing that anyone in that situation would do. He left Viktor Krum, a guy who could hand his own with the minister to keep an eye on him. He then went to get help.

When Harry returned, Viktor was head-first into the ground in a very unnatural position. And, most of all, the minister of magic was nowhere to be seen. At first, there was no alarm. He was simply a madman on the loose. But after he didn't turn up after 24 hours: that was when the frenzy began.

Search parties were quickly created to try and retrieve the Minister of Magic. All of them were unsuccessful. After two dozen had tied and failed, Dumbledore put a stop to them and pronounced Barty Crouch missing. The fact is, and nobody wanted to admit it, but, he was most likely dead.  No one had found him. It was the only logical explanation.

"How could this happen? I don't get it. Someone is supposed to protect him! He is the Minister of Magic," Hermione said as she stared out of the window of the Hogwarts library. The golden four were there working on homework, though no one could focus on their coursework, for the issue of Barty Crouch's disappearance was in the front of everyone's mind.

"Yeah... how could he though," Rosie responded, putting her quill down, "How could he be dead."

"Rosie!" Her three friends scolded her, their heads turning in a creepily similar rate.

"It's what you were all thinking," Rosie answered, and they all looked down knowing what she was saying was true, despite the fact they would not utter it, "I'm not trying to say I want him to be dead- I just- I don't think that he's coming back."

Her three friends did not utter a word, as they all sat in silence. They silently agreed with her. None of them had known the Minister very well, or even moderately well. Despite this, there was still a pain in each of their hearts because they knew that the Minister, for a lack of better circumstances; was dead.
Harry sat alone in the common room, as all the Gryffindors had cleared out. This left him by himself and his thoughts. The third and final task was in two weeks, and it was rumored to be harder than the rest. It was said to be a task that demonstrated the champion's skill of strength, endurance, and knowledge. And, on top of that, the Minister of magic had been pronounced 'missing' two weeks ago, which was an issue of itself. Both of these events brought back the nervousness and anxiety that Harry had worked hard to relieve. 

Rosie felt like she was being drawn to the common room, so she made her way down there, and that was when she saw Harry. Sitting alone. It was the first time he had been alone in a long time. She walked up to him and said two words, "Hey Harry."

She snapped him out of his train of thought, and he looked up at where she was standing beside him,"Hi Rosie."

He didn't have that much encouragement in his voice, which Rosie noticed, but didn't comment on. She smiled concerningly at him, "What's going on with you? You seem worried."

Harry looked up, into her hazel eyes and found no reason to lie to her. She was Rosie. She had been there for him since day one, through the thick and thin. He could trust her with his thoughts. 

"The Minister, he's gone. He's just...gone. What happens now, Rosie?"

Rosie scratched her head, "Well I guess they will find a new Minister, and have the ceremony, what is it called, it starts with a -"

He shook his head, "No, that's not what I meant. I meant that he is dead, you even said it yourself. Somone murdered him in cold blood! There is a murderer on the loose on the school grounds. "

"Yea, that's true, but we-"

"Hogwarts can't be a place for murders. It's a school, there are students here. We have had enough of this. Hogwarts is not a place for murderers."

"Yea, It shouldn't be, but Dumbledore is on it, he is always d-"

"No! He isn't! If he was then there would be a body, but there isn't a body" Harry told back at her. He was beginning to become frantic. His eyes darted from place to place, and his heartbeat had increased rapidly.

"If you give him some time, " Rosie replied, trying to calm Harry down in a sweet voice, "He'll work it out. He always does."

Harry shook his head, " No he doesn't. He hasn't this time! It has been two weeks!"

"Stop it!" She finally broke and her hands jerked up in anger. She directed all of her energy at Harry, "Just stop it! Yes, there was a murder. We can't stop that it happened. We just have to accept it, and I am sure Dumbledore is doing all he can, thank you very much. Don't talk badly about him, he has been for you through your problems, so don't even dare to try and undermine him. There is nothing that you and I can do except get you ready for the next task. So shut up and stop worrying." 

Rosie let out a breath when she finished and realized quickly what she said as Harry stood, watching her with big, bulging eyes. He took a step and Rosie was convinced that he had enough of Rosie and was going to walk straight by her. But he didn't. He hugged her, his arms wrapped around her in a comforting matter. She could feel his breaths as he whispered quietly, "You just- you just told me what I needed to hear." 

For a moment of serenity, they stayed in their hug, but after that, they separated. Harry was the first one to speak, "Seriously, Rosie, thank you. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I mean you have helped me so much- just thanks, Rose."

Rosie's hazel brown eyes met Harry's vibrant green ones, as she grabbed onto his hand and said, "Call on me anytime Harry, I'll be there for you whenever you need me." Harry smiled, and Rosie smiled back. 

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