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This summer had been different than the rest of Rosie's summers.

A usual summer for Rosie normally entailed her father and herself doing small, random, fun activities in the summer. Her family, which only consisted of her father and herself, were not the type for vacationing at a location, except when in Rosie's second year when they vacationed in Hawaii during the Christmas holidays. Since then, vacations weren't on the table, for one of two reasons, it was hard work to go on vacation, and the second, more important reason, things in the financial department weren't the greatest.

And so, Rosie had spent the entire summer at Sirius Black's house at 12 Grimmauld Place. She had been there with Ron's family, Hermione, and a few other Order members. That was the thing, the Order of the Phoebes. When Rosie arrived, she assumed there would be meeting and gatherings, and that they would be doing something to try and stop the Dark Lord rising again. And there were meetings and gatherings that were extensive in length to try and stop or prevent the Dwrk Lord from rising yet again. The only difference from her expectations to the reality of their stag was that she wasn't present in that meetings. In fact, she had yet to be a part of even one. This was very annoying. So, to even hear a thing, Rosie and all the other kids would sit at the door during these meetings to try and get a glimpse of what they were saying. It was either that, or "Gred and Forge" as they liked to call themselves, would use the extendable ear charm so they could hear from a distance.

Hermione also felt guilty because she lied to her parents about where she was and what she was doing. She had told her parents she was at Hogwarts, doing a program that was only offered to the elite alumni at the school, who were at the top of their year. After Dumbledore gave a personal visit to the Granger household, they were convinced and were extremely happy for Hermione. But, obviously, that was not what she was doing. Hermione didn't want to tell them that she was doing something dangerous, her parents wouldn't agree to her taking part of a secret organization that's prime focus was to track Lord Voldemort, one of the evilest wizards of all time. That wouldn't rest well with them.

But on due other hand, Rosie was glad to be around her friends for the summer. Usually it was just herself and her dad, which became very lonely. They would pop into beg grandfathers house once or twice a summer, but nothing more happened than that. Although it got duller as they went on, it was still nice to be around people who she could laugh with.

Rosie made the best out of her time as she could, and as a result, her friendship with Ginny Weasley became stronger. Her relationship with Ginny had always been casual. Growing up, she hung out with Ron more as he was her age, and she was younger. They had always been friendly and called each other 'friends,' but neither of them had invested time into the friendship. Rosie and Ginny bonded over cards, as Hermione didn't love cards as much, as she would rather be reading, and through cards they would spend entire nights chatting away.

Of course, Rosie spent a lot of time with Hermione, and they had nice chats about the more serious matters.

But, Rosie deeply missed one face in particular, a face that she had kissed on the mouth in a dark corridor, late at night, with his tears smudged between their cheeks.

Harry Potter.

She thought of him often.  At least once a day, if not more. She wasn't allowed to send any kind of letter to him. Not even for his birthday, which was just cruel. The letters he had wrote to her were piling up on her dresser. Hermione and Ron also felt the burden of not being able to converse with their best friend. 

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